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Any particular price range you are looking at?


Also, what stores do you have nearby? BestBuy, CircuitCity, Costco, Sam's Club, etc...


i'm in jersey and i have almost all the stores around me. bestbuy, circuitcity, kmart, walmart, bjs, costco, target, etc....

I have found that are around $300 but looking for cheaper ones. however I am not interested in tvs made by 'no name' companies. I want to stick with the major ones such as sony, phillips, toshiba, panasonic, etc...


Here is a really nice Samsung model at Target.com - $449 w/ free shipping and use 10% off coupon code TCSAVEAUGTEN to get it for $404 shipped (plus tax if applicable). Has all kinds of inputs, progressive scan-compatible, etc... Pretty much one of the best non-HDTV 27" models available.


If you want something cheaper, here are some models at BestBuy.com to look at. Free delivery on most, or you can pick them up in store if you have one nearby:







The problem with most online places is that shipping will kill you on something like that, unless there is a free shipping promotion like that model at Target.


For example, OneCall has a nice 24" (not 27") Sony Trinitron WEGA for under $250, but shipping is well over $100 on it.


I'll keep looking...


i have a sony wega and it's a great tv i think full retail is 399, i'm looking around for deals on that or other 27" do you care if it's hdtv or not?


edit- arg didn't see the less than 300 comment, that kills hdtv and almost anythin online since free shipping on a tv less than $300 i can't realy see happening except at sites by major retailers (CC,BB..) i'll keep looking.

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