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Was it a no-no because I said to post whatever here to build up your points? Because you know that's what some people are doing....responding to everything to just get points. Just asking...

Correct it's a no-no.


GottaPoints are intended for members who contribute to the forums instead of making pointless posts. This may be a simple misunderstanding or you didn't know, well now you do :banana01:


Please don't let it happen again and I am locking this thread.


Thank you for your understanding :D


Keep in mind that we also have the ability to prevent certain threads from earning GottaPoints, so if we see it happening anywhere on the forum, we'll do so and you won't even know it :P


Like RossMAN said, the points are their to reward people who make this a better forum. It isn't fair to someone who doesn't post "to just get points" to have to compete with people who do to win the prizes.


Thread Locked :)

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