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BF Pet Peeves


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I know a lot of people are there at the store to get what they want and with limited quantities, we strive to get the item before everyone else. But I have to say my biggest peeve on BF are rude people. We are all there to get stuff before the other, granted, but to physically shove a child (and I have seen this happen) is just- to me - pushing it a little too far (no pun intended). So what are your biggest BF pet peeves and what other things have you witnessed that you don't agree with? I love BF and I await it every year with HUGE anticipation, but sometimes I see things that make you wonder where the Christmas spirit has gone! :holiday12 Don't they know Santa is watching? LOL
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A lot of people don't have a choice, though. I took my kids one year (ages 7 and 10 then) and it was cold but we stayed in the truck til they opened the heated foyer doors. Once the doors opened they were so into getting the items that they are hooked now! My daughter even looks thru the ads to "help" me find items she would like for Christmas! She isn't in to subtle hints! ;)


I haven't taken them the last couple of years though because it is harder to hide the items from them. LOL But I come back and get them later and we shop for their gifts they want to give.

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A lot of people don't have a choice, though. I took my kids one year (ages 7 and 10 then) and it was cold but we stayed in the truck til they opened the heated foyer doors. Once the doors opened they were so into getting the items that they are hooked now! My daughter even looks thru the ads to "help" me find items she would like for Christmas! She isn't in to subtle hints! ;)


I haven't taken them the last couple of years though because it is harder to hide the items from them. LOL But I come back and get them later and we shop for their gifts they want to give.

I think ages 7 and 10 is old enough to go along...I think "small children" that belong at home are more like kids that are my kids' ages...almost 2, 4, and 5.5. I will be getting the deals online for the most part. I may venture out later in the day or later that weekend, if there are sale items I want that might still be in the stores...but when it's a decent hour to have them out, and when the most, um, "zealous" shoppers are already done shopping.
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When you're waiting in line for 2 hours for something that they only have a few of (like at BestBuy) and you think you're like 8th in line... and then the people in front of you have friends join them just before the doors open that didn't want to get up that early..... so now you're like 15th in line (hmmmm I don't sound bitter do I?)!!!
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I think ages 7 and 10 is old enough to go along...I think "small children" that belong at home are more like kids that are my kids' ages...almost 2, 4, and 5.5. I will be getting the deals online for the most part. I may venture out later in the day or later that weekend, if there are sale items I want that might still be in the stores...but when it's a decent hour to have them out, and when the most, um, "zealous" shoppers are already done shopping.


I do see your point there. I know the crowds do get pretty rough and it would be unsafe for very young children to be there. I know it can get really bad when there is only one dvd player left. :runaway:

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I'm a single mother of a now 6 yr. old girl. I don't have someone waiting at home that can take care of her while I shop so she comes with me. She loves it! I've brought her with me every year since she was 3. A couple of years were a little rough because of the crowds but she was fine once I got her in a cart. I'll still do some shopping online so that there's be something from "Santa" waiting for her. :D
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I think bringing older children is ok but definetly not babies. The year before last it was raining like cats and dogs and this women had a three or four month old baby with her. Everyone in line agreed that she could just wait in her car and reclaim her space when they were ready to open the doors. It was just too cold and to wet for a baby to be out side.
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I hate people who think they can just waltz to the front of a line that I have been waiting in for two hours. Last year one guy tried that and he almost had the crap beat out of him. I don't like kids who do not want to be there being dragged out. It is not fair to them or others who have to listen to the whinning for hours. If I wanted to listen to that I would drag my son out!
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I hate people who think they can just waltz to the front of a line that I have been waiting in for two hours. Last year one guy tried that and he almost had the crap beat out of him. I don't like kids who do not want to be there being dragged out. It is not fair to them or others who have to listen to the whinning for hours. If I wanted to listen to that I would drag my son out!

I have seen it get pretty nasty on more than one occasion when someone tries to waltz up to the front of the line!
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Mine is when you have spent the last 4-5 hours freezing your butt off and right when the doors are being opened, people rush the door from the side and get in front of you. The nerve of some people is shocking!

That's what grinds me about Wal-Mart. You stand in line at one set of doors and people have formes a nice orderly line behind you. Of course, the Wal-Mart dude opens the doors and all of a sudden fifty thousand people are cramming at you from the opposite side of the line.

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I haven't a choice about keeping my daughter at home this year (she'll be 20 months) due to hubby being in Iraq. Last year hubby took her at 8 months but he didn't wait in the cold, I was the 1st to leave at 6am. He left alot later. I can agree that a newborn shouldn't be outside in cold weather at 3am but if it's not THAT cold, later in the morning, and you have no choice, I don't see a problem with it.
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This is kind of a year-round peeve but I have a problem with people in parking lots. Namely the ones that want the parking slot you are in but pull up so close to your car that you can't back out without hitting them. Then there's the people that park so close to your car that you can't get in except thru the other side. Another thing that drives me crazy are the chatters. You know, the people that are in their car and see someone they know that's also in their car and they pull up opposite each other and sit there blocking the lane yakking away, totally oblivious to the fact that the rest of us can't get past them.
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my bf peeve is when parents bring there small children out at 3 in the moring,when its cold.these kids should be home in a warm bed.

I think this is one of my biggest. I understand that some can't get babysitters, but then you don't bring them out in the big crowd. :splat: Just think of all the germs. I also can't stand when people don't say excuse me. It's not like they're hard words to say.:splat:

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I haven't a choice about keeping my daughter at home this year (she'll be 20 months) due to hubby being in Iraq. Last year hubby took her at 8 months but he didn't wait in the cold, I was the 1st to leave at 6am. He left alot later. I can agree that a newborn shouldn't be outside in cold weather at 3am but if it's not THAT cold, later in the morning, and you have no choice, I don't see a problem with it.


Hi! I know this is a little off subject, but I noticed you said your husband is in Iraq. My brother just got back last year from there and may be deployed again b4 this year is out. I just wanted to say hi and let ya know I hope he comes home safe! :)

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Hi! I know this is a little off subject, but I noticed you said your husband is in Iraq. My brother just got back last year from there and may be deployed again b4 this year is out. I just wanted to say hi and let ya know I hope he comes home safe! :)


Thank you very much! He'll hopefully be home for Christmas, so this year is almost over with!!! :woot2:

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