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Anyone planning on going to Pep Boys for BF? Important links!

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For anyone planning on going to Pep Boys, here are some useful links in reference to the deals:


Purolator Oil Filter application guide: http://www.purolatorautofilters.net/resources/Pages/ApplicationGuide.aspx


Fram Oil Filter application guide: http://www.framcatalog.com/Application.aspx?b=F


RAIN-X wiper blade application guide: http://www.rainx.com/Products/Wiper_Blades/Selector.aspx


Make a note of what specific items you need now and you can save time in the store --- get in, get out, get on to the next store!!!


I went to Pep Boys last BF and they have their act together, even though it was low traffic while I was there. Plenty of employees in good moods and happy to help you find what you need.


Those Rain-X Repel wiper blades are pricey, but oh-so-worth-it! Better than any other wiper blade I've ever tried.


I'll be going again this year. :yup:

Totally agree about rain-x wiper blades. I let my dad to pep boys and he knows exactly what filters etc he needs. They've always been good to him and made my life easy. Otherwise I'd have to buy the stuff and I'd be clueless and annoyed at spending any time on BF at a parts place. I get to prepare and mail the rebates every year.
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