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Amazon.com Black Friday Week

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It looks like Amazon.com will be starting Black Friday Week on Monday, November 22. Guess we'll have to see what they bring to the table. Not much information as of yet.




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It looks like there could be some nice deals on some blu-rays, but not as many as expected :(. Wish we could see all of the prices though.
  Buckeye Shopper said:

I need the back to future trilogy...my hubby is such a nerd lol. He wants this set so bad.

NO WAY...we had to have it the DAY it came out in a trilogy a few years back....


I am hoping for some digital copy included DVDs since all my kids got/already have Ipods....If my DS12 ask ONE MORE TIME to pay to download Nightmare before Christmas I am going to KILL him (since I got him the bluray with digital copy for Christmas....I am running outta excuses!!)

  magickallight said:

I had read somewhere that they would have the BLIND SIDE DVD - am I missing it somewhere? :confused:

One of the stores has The Blind Side for $3.99 on BF. It may be Target; I don't remember. I think Kmart & Walmart will offer it as well, but their prices were higher.

  Dylansmommy said:

One of the stores has The Blind Side for $3.99 on BF. It may be Target; I don't remember. I think Kmart & Walmart will offer it as well, but their prices were higher.

Thank you, Dylansmommy - I KNEW I had seen it SOMEWHERE - just couldn't remember where! Will hunt for it as it is on my Mom's wish list. :)

  blssed2bme said:

I read that Amazon will be matching BF prices. Do you all think this will be on everything? I'd love to buy all of the items I want at free shipping for the BF prices on Amazon.com if this is true.



The one thing I was hoping for was a dollhouse Meijer has for $99 and Amazon has it for $118. But the Meijer ad is their Thanksgiving Day ad and the item is not a doorbuster.....anyone know if they'd price match that?

  blssed2bme said:

I read that Amazon will be matching BF prices. Do you all think this will be on everything? I'd love to buy all of the items I want at free shipping for the BF prices on Amazon.com if this is true.



I sure hope they price match Target's $27 Lego Harry Harry Potter Wii game so I can avoid electronics dept. crowds and not have to pay shipping. :D

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