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Cell phone for an 11 year old


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I bought my 12 year old son a prepaid phone for his birthday in August. He doesn't talk on it really, just texts. He's went through so many minutes cards, I'm adding him to my Verizon plan for $9.99 a month. Way cheaper than the minutes cards. I think we'll go with the LG Cosmos. This phone has a qwerty keyboard, does NOT get on the internet (so no data plan fee per month!) and has a camera. I think it's perfect for my son who only calls a few people anyhow.
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My kids are just turning 10 and 12 and they talk about how everyone else has a cell phone. We don't see the point of paying that much more for something they only would need in case of an emergency. So I was actually thinking today of getting a prepaid phone w/minutes and have it at the house in case they need one b/c we don't have a land line and we live out in the country. Also, they could carry it if going to a friends house or something and they need to call. Anyone know of any deals on a prepaid phone?
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I got a Tracfone for my 10 yr old at Walmart for $10. Nothing fancy and he is to only use it for emergency and to text me when he gets home from school. It came with double minutes for life and I bought the 1 yr service card, so it works out to $8 something a month.
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Santa brought DD a cell phone when she was 11. We blocked EVERYTHING but phone calls... until we got unlimited texting. I still have internet and DL'ing blocked. she has NEVER abused it (it has been nearly 2 years) She only started bringing it to school at all this year when I made her because soccer was after school, and she needed to be able to get a hold of us in case of rain, or change of plans, or whatever.


We use it frequently at sporting events... it allows her some freedom to go to the bathroom, or with friends, as we can reach her when we need her... and she can reach us.


It was easy to add her to our family plan... and we haven't had a problem.

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Very few of the people who I would let my daughter hang out with in that age group have their own cell phones. Many of the children have phones around here, but most are ones that do many questionable things with them (sexting, looking up questionable info, etc) and that is just what I hear them admit. If you are going to get one, esp. since it sounds as if you are on the fence, start with one that you can program in 2 or 3 numbers like yours, DH, etc, and that is who they can call.
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I bought a cell phone for my 9yo DSI just recently got him one. I too thought he was to young, but he just started middle school and at the begining of the year we had alot of bus issues, an dhis school times were conflicting with my DD's school times. Once he was supposed to go to my neighbor's house after school and when he got there no one was there (she forgot). That is when I decided he needed a cell phone. He does take it to school but it stays in his backpack on silent when he is at school. He is a very responsible, mature kid. I do nto regret my decision to get him one.

I signed him up on our family plan because it is only $20.00 a month and he has unlimited calling, text, data.

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I started mine out with prepaid phones just to see how responsible they'd be. It's worked out very well. They know what their limits were (120 min/90 days) and if they used them all up early, they can either buy a card themselves or wait for the renewal date for me to do it.
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My son got his at age 10. It was only 10 a month and i feel great peace of mind that he has it. He seldom uses it and I bought him a text package for 5.00 a month just in case . Many of the students in his school carry them, my cousin makes her daughter carry hers because you never know what could happen. My daughter wasn't allowed one until she paid for it herself, but it's the changing times. IT would have saved lots of aggravation.
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My daughter is 12 and we just got her a AT&T Samsung Flight. She loves this phone and in a matter of a few minutes had figured out all kind of ways to personalize it etc. She mostly texts, so I added her to a family plan $10 mo and then I pay for the unlimited text for the family (for her and me and my son). It is more for me really because I work and when she is waiting after school activities for me to get there to pick her up, I like to be able to get in touch with her in case of traffic, etc. I blocked internet due to not wanting her to use data (expensive); when you block internet this automatically blocks the picture/video texting which is probably not a bad idea.
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My son has had one since the age of 10. That was becaue my ex was an idiot and the only reliable way to reach him when he wasnt with me was that way.

Now he is almost 16 and once you open it up to text messages... all i can say is pay the extra for unlimited.. it sucks to get a $79 phone bill just on text messages

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