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GottaDeal Black Friday Hotline?


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Does anyone remember the old BF hotline we had years (many years) ago? Somethin' like an 800 number Brad set up where folks could call and get advice on what to get and the best deals out there. If I can find the old thread about it I'll post it here for reference.


Just got me thinkin', with all the new first time BF shoppin' members and all the new questions out there, maybe we should consider bringin' it back. Don't remember the exact specifics behind it, but I do remember callin' it one time and havin' a nice conversation with Brad for a good half hour. ;)


Whaddaya think? Discuss ...

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I remember! They used skype for the calls as i recall. For some thing like this to happen again I think it would be a full time job. Back in the day you did not have alot of people that knew about BF and there is alot more involved with running the site now then it was back in the day.
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Ah, here it is: Have Black Friday questions? Call us at 415-287-3325. Hope ya don't mind me posting the old number.


Seems my memory fails me some. It was Ross, not Brad, that I talked to. And he was the one who set it up.


Maybe I'm just reminiscing about old times. Been feelin' nostalgic lately. :)

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I remember! They used skype for the calls as i recall. For some thing like this to happen again I think it would be a full time job. Back in the day you did not have alot of people that knew about BF and there is alot more involved with running the site now then it was back in the day.

I gotta agree with that. There's so much more to runnin' this site nowdays than form years ago, with the popularity of the site growin' every year and all ;). It was RossMan that pulled it off the last time and I'm sure that alone was a full time job for him. Thought with all the new members and all the new questions about BF it might be a cool lil' addition to bring back. But, like ya said, It'd probably take settin' up a call center with full time employees to pull somethin' like this off now. :(


Just post if anyone remembers it. No offense to all the thousands of newcomers, but I miss GD's early days. :(

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One idea we've always had would be to do a weekly podcast of sorts where we'd answer questions. People could call anytime to leave questions to voicemail, and then we could choose the best questions (i.e. the ones that would be most informative or that a lot of people ask about) and answer them in a podcast format each week during BF season.


Like you've all said, something like that would take a lot of time, so it's not something I'd probably be able to do with everything else I do during BF season, but if someone had the technical expertise to edit a show like that and knew enough about BF, send me a PM and maybe we can work something out.

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