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Gottadeal Book Rental


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I am trying to use the book rental system for college textbooks. When I went through the checkout process there was no place to enter the 10% off coupon code which is only good today. Can an adminstrator or anyone else please tell me how I can use the coupon.

Thank you very much in advance.

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It does look like a good service to use but any service is only as good as the support and I can't seem to find an administrator or anyone that can answer my question. Books are expensive and 10% off is good, but that deal supposedly ends today.
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Thanks but the deal ends today and on the "contact us" page it states that a reply will be received within two days. It's frustrating that they post this deal and I have no way to access it.

Thanks again.

Welcome to GottaDeal.com buckone, I'm sorry for the confusion. When we joined the BookRenter.com network, we were unaware that you were unable to use their coupons (such as the one posted on the homepage).


I'm so sorry that we've caused this confusion. Please let me know if you have any other questions about the GottaTextbook.com (http://www.gottatextbook.com) program.



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Well, I had my daughter go ahead and place the order for her textbooks. If all goes well, I will probably have my other daughter do the same as well. Thanks for getting back to me Aaron. That 10% really sounded good as it would have paid for express shipping. I'll let everyone know how this turns out.


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Maybe you are looking in the wrong spot. My daughter's textbooks totalled $214 with the rental service. If we had purchased used books at the college, the cost was $476. New books from the college would have been significantly more. We saved at least 50% on every book. Now, the big thing is going to be how smooth the delivery goes. So far, so good.
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