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Need advice on Xbox live and games please


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I am hoping some of you can give me some advice on Xbox live and Xbox games. I just bought an elite system for my 2 boys, ages 15 and 11. They want to play Halo3. Left 4 dead 2 and several other similar games that are rated "M". What I would like to know is first, what makes the games rated "M"? Is it the shooting, language, sexual content, etc...?


Second, Xbox live, I have heard that the language is bad from the other users online. I am not a prude and I do realize that most tv shows have language/content that I really don't approve of for my kids but it is a fact that that's how it is now. So, I have lightened up some on what I will let my kids watch on tv. I'm just not sure about the whole "live" thing and if it is appropriate for kids their age.


Are there any games that you guys can recommend that are fun for boys this age? I have 3 girls also but they will be using our Wii as the Xbox is going to be the boys Christmas.


Thanks so much for any help you can give me!



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My 15 yr old has all the games you listed plus some. Halo 3/Left 4 Dead 2 is gore. Some language, but its mainly the content... Blood and graphic scenes.


He also goes on XBox live. yes you get idiots swearing. You are talking to adults/kids all over the world. Sometimes I hear my son yelling at someone and go into his room (game room) to stop it. But for the most part its not bad at all. You can mute people so you can't hear them (if they are foul or bothering anyone). My son uses that feature all the time.


He also loves the game Borderlands.

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My 15 yr old has all the games you listed plus some. Halo 3/Left 4 Dead 2 is gore. Some language, but its mainly the content... Blood and graphic scenes.


He also goes on XBox live. yes you get idiots swearing. You are talking to adults/kids all over the world. Sometimes I hear my son yelling at someone and go into his room (game room) to stop it. But for the most part its not bad at all. You can mute people so you can't hear them (if they are foul or bothering anyone). My son uses that feature all the time.


He also loves the game Borderlands.

Thanks! So, you can block only certain people if you want to, not necessarily everyone? If so, that wouldn't be bad in case you had someone that was just being too foul.


I will check out Borderlands, thanks!

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Don't mean to thread jack BUTTTTT.... I too got an xbox for my son. What is the parental block all about. How do you do it. Do you have to know the person in order to block them or can I say Block all Pedophiles ;) (I wish) and people over the age of 16.


Thanks for any info.:)

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Don't mean to thread jack BUTTTTT.... I too got an xbox for my son. What is the parental block all about. How do you do it. Do you have to know the person in order to block them or can I say Block all Pedophiles ;) (I wish) and people over the age of 16.


Thanks for any info.:)

Don't worry, you are not thread jacking me. I would love to know too!!

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I've never done the parental block, but my husband knows how to do it. Its a permanent mute so your child cannot actually participate in conversations. So far my 15 yr old is pretty good. He will get in some arguments with people and we have to go in the game room to tell him to calm down but it usually stops when we tell him we will make him get off it continues. He's on it right now actually. He love it as he goes on with a bunch of friends from school.
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