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Please help with the 2 PC's in the ad


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I only see 1 eMachine for 299.97. If you can provide links to the two different ones, ill try and help :)

they are on the ad scan and I think I may have answered my own question.

It looks like 1 id 2 GB and the other is 3 GB BUT I would love to hear more info from the pros.

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On the PDF ad scan there is 1 on page 35 bottom left and the other is page 37 top middle



Thats a page that was added in from last year to show where the ad came from when it was first leaked. If you look in the bottom right of page 36, it will say 2008 :)




Did you ever decide what store your going to?

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Thats a page that was added in from last year to show where the ad came from when it was first leaked. If you look in the bottom right of page 36, it will say 2008 :)




Did you ever decide what store your going to?

ohhhhhhhh do you have any idea how much time I have spent trying to figure out what one to buy, LMAO!!!!!

Yes I am going to stay here and try out the new store.

I get my staples out (surgery last Thursday) on Wednesday 1:30 and I will start checking out the new store right after that ;)

I am keeping my fingers crossed that I will be good for Thursday morning and NOT Wednesday night.


Thanks so much for clearing that up for me I feel so stupid!

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ohhhhhhhh do you have any idea how much time I have spent trying to figure out what one to buy, LMAO!!!!!

Yes I am going to stay here and try out the new store.

I get my staples out (surgery last Thursday) on Wednesday 1:30 and I will start checking out the new store right after that ;)

I am keeping my fingers crossed that I will be good for Thursday morning and NOT Wednesday night.


Thanks so much for clearing that up for me I feel so stupid!

I wondered what the page was too for awhile. Good luck at your store. Im hyped.

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