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UGH...trying to hang garland on stucco

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I went to Hobby Lobby and wanted to buy a beautiful garland- 50% off, but it was still $59.99 to begin with. So I purchased all the pieces and made it myself. I was so excited to hang it, and never thought what I would use. I bought suction cups and tried those and they would not even stay without weight. Then I used double sided sticky on the suction cup hook and they stayed all of 10 minutes. :gdparanoid:


Any advice? Our stucco is a pretty big pattern and thickness too so I fear the worst.

I have never thought of hot glue, but I did use "staples" when I didn't give a hoot about the walls - at the time, "that holiday feeling" was all important - then, the holiday garb came down - and oh boy...I will leave it there! LOL! I am very surprised that the Command hooks didn't work - it must be the stucco. I'm sure there's a way to work it out but if all else fails - be VERY conservative with the hand gun staples!
Are you decorating outside around your doors and windows? If so you can place small screws in and they won't really be noticable after u take it down if done properly. Then u can decorate all year round by using wire to tie it to the screw.

Are you decorating outside around your doors and windows? If so you can place small screws in and they won't really be noticable after u take it down if done properly. Then u can decorate all year round by using wire to tie it to the screw.

I had read somewhere that putting one screw into stucco can lead to it breaking apart under the surface. I was a little nervous to do that- have you heard that before?


I had read somewhere that putting one screw into stucco can lead to it breaking apart under the surface. I was a little nervous to do that- have you heard that before?

Hmm, I don't know, I just saw my gf had done it, but now u have me scared. I probably wouldn't do it. lol Do you remember that tacky gum like stuff they used to have before the removable hooks to hang your posters? Maybe just a trip to the hardware store would be helpful. Sorry my previous recommendation spelled potential disaster.


I have never thought of hot glue, but I did use "staples" when I didn't give a hoot about the walls - at the time, "that holiday feeling" was all important - then, the holiday garb came down - and oh boy...I will leave it there! LOL! I am very surprised that the Command hooks didn't work - it must be the stucco. I'm sure there's a way to work it out but if all else fails - be VERY conservative with the hand gun staples!

I hate staples!!!! I hate just about everything there is to hang decorations except command hooks and hot glue. I've never used it on stucco though :(


Hmm, I don't know, I just saw my gf had done it, but now u have me scared. I probably wouldn't do it. lol Do you remember that tacky gum like stuff they used to have before the removable hooks to hang your posters? Maybe just a trip to the hardware store would be helpful. Sorry my previous recommendation spelled potential disaster.

Haha, its ok! I had only read that somewhere so I am not even sure if that is true! I think I will hunt down an orange vested man at Home Depot and see what they can suggest. I cannot be the only person to have this issue, especially in Florida!

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