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Our first christmas with older children not coming home!


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So the time has come that my 2 older children will not be here for Christmas. We have been so lucky to have enjoyed as many years together as we have. My DS19 flew home a couple of weeks ago to see his Grandpa before he passed away, and I cannot fly him home again. My DD21 will be having her baby in 2 weeks, and going to the inlaws for the day. HELP!!! I need some fresh new fun ideas! LOL! I think we will go sledding and I buy some new movies to watch, but I want to shake it up instead of missing the older ones! I have bought all new everything for decorations, stockings, EVERYTHING to embrace the changes. Now I just need some ideas on how to spend time on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day!:(
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I'm so sorry you won't all physically be together for Christmas. But it sounds like you are on the right track starting new traditions. You could play family games. Do you have a Wii? My daughter started family game night last week. They invited me and we played Wii Resort. It was a blast. Suddenly it was 8:30 and time had flown by. Everyone had a great time laughing, happy dancing, and challenging each other.


Maybe you could go to a shelter and help serve dinner, go to a nursing home and serve Christmas Eve dinner, take small gifts to the residents that don't have family. I have always found helping others makes me forget who I am missing a little less.


Whatever you decide I hope you have a wonderful time making new memories.


Oh, and congrats on the new grandbaby that will be apart of your family this Christmas.

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I would go volunteer at a shelter or soup kitchen for the day. I think being able to share the holidays with others would make it a memorable holiday. Then that evening call up the kids and hear about their days.


I'm sure it will still be a Merry Christmas either way and it sounds like you have alot to be grateful for.

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How about hosting a Christmas eve party for others in the same situation?

Wow that is a great idea!!


And I do think she has a super attitude :) and I hope you can still enjoy your holiday very much. I am sure it must be hard.


Could you actually "run away" for Xmas.... like to a resort or hotel for 1 night? ;) Put a JINGLE in those new stockings?

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Wow that is a great idea!!


And I do think she has a super attitude :) and I hope you can still enjoy your holiday very much. I am sure it must be hard.


Could you actually "run away" for Xmas.... like to a resort or hotel for 1 night? ;) Put a JINGLE in those new stockings?

Sounds like a reason to take a last minute cruise (okay for me any reason is a reason to cruise)! Are u near a port?

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How bout going old school? Roast some chestnuts? Go Caroling? Local light display?


I do also like the idea of helping out at a food pantry, toys for tots, etc. If you have younger children.....I think a soup kitchen where the kids may see some hard on their luck may be a bit too real for young kids....


Sledding is a great idea too!

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