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I got my niece an easy bake oven, a baking kit (apron, oven mits, hat, towl and spoon) and a refill of the sugar cookie/chocolate chip cookies.


I am so excited for Christmas.

Started....shoot I got 34 gifts wrapped today! But congrats on your start!lol Btw those cool cook ovens suck...DD8 got one for x-mas last year and only used it once. She loves her easy bake oven tho!

34 wrapped??? I've bought 1 gift.....I usually have a handful done by now. Only thing is either I didn't have money, or I didn't have time, or now we have the flu sweeping through the house.....



Anyhow, I get paid this Friday and dh on the Monday right after-- we've both been working so much we have a nice amount more than our normal budget. Which was semi-planned out. So, I'm going to get my ds's big gift at the very least ordered.....that is if I can find it. He swears he saw it listed on danscomp the other day, I looked last night and did not see it.


Started....shoot I got 34 gifts wrapped today! But congrats on your start!lol Btw those cool cook ovens suck...DD8 got one for x-mas last year and only used it once. She loves her easy bake oven tho!

If I start to early I spend to much because I continue to see things.

Nothing wrapped... But almost completely DONE with shopping. I thought I was done with my daughter age 9, but I saw some great New Moon items on Hottopic.com. $40 later I am officially done. lol
I would have done more but I ran out of paper! Stopped at the store after I took the kids to school today so I hope to get more done today. Keep in mind I have over 70 people to buy for so I have to start early. My 3 kids alone will get 18 gifts each. Happy Wrapping All!

I would have done more but I ran out of paper! Stopped at the store after I took the kids to school today so I hope to get more done today. Keep in mind I have over 70 people to buy for so I have to start early. My 3 kids alone will get 18 gifts each. Happy Wrapping All!

70 people :eek:


I would have done more but I ran out of paper! Stopped at the store after I took the kids to school today so I hope to get more done today. Keep in mind I have over 70 people to buy for so I have to start early. My 3 kids alone will get 18 gifts each. Happy Wrapping All!

Holy cow. 70 people. I complain about all the wrapping for my 20 people.


i think i would move away with an unlisted number if i had to buy for 70! LMAO!!!!


I bought a few more things today for my son. 2 packs of the bakugan 3 packs at walmart for 8 bucks and a briefcase plastic holder for them and 2 GI Joe guys at 5.00 each. :)


21 teachers?!?! how is this possible???

Well, to break it down for ya....I guess some are staff not really teachers!


DS9 and DD8(same school)

-DS9 teacher

-DD8 teacher

-Office lady #1

-Office lady #2

-Gym teacher

-Music Teacher

-Art Teacher

-Library lady



-DD12's teacher from last year(she's preggo and LOVES chocolate!)


Then DD12 is in Jr. High this year and has 8 teachers. Plus she giving one to one of the really "cool" security guards and the music teacher even though she's not in music this year but she loves that teacher! So thats how I got to 21 LOL! I only had to buy for 12 last year when they were all in the same school!

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