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Is okay to have someone hold your place on Black Friday?


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My dear daughter (24) wants to line up early Thursday evening inorder to get a new laptop. She has not decided what store yet. I don't want to stay with her the whole time, but would like to join her very early prior to store opening. Will cause a riot by joining her? I really want to pay for laptop, This will be a surprise for her. Anyway, I am concerned that the perception will be that I am 'butting in'. What do you think?
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My dear daughter (24) wants to line up early Thursday evening inorder to get a new laptop. She has not decided what store yet. I don't want to stay with her the whole time, but would like to join her very early prior to store opening. Will cause a riot by joining her? I really want to pay for laptop, This will be a surprise for her. Anyway, I am concerned that the perception will be that I am 'butting in'. What do you think?

I don' think so....considering this scenario "mother and daughter" i think people behind you at line will understand it!:D


Good luck!

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My dear daughter (24) wants to line up early Thursday evening inorder to get a new laptop. She has not decided what store yet. I don't want to stay with her the whole time, but would like to join her very early prior to store opening. Will cause a riot by joining her? I really want to pay for laptop, This will be a surprise for her. Anyway, I am concerned that the perception will be that I am 'butting in'. What do you think?

I would just make sure those behind her are aware you are leaving and will come back only to pay for the item. Someone joining the line just a few hours before the store opens always causes some eyebrows to raise. If you are only paying for it you can always come back after the store opens. If she is doing Best Buy the laptop will most likely be ticketed and she would have till 11 AM or so to claim it and pay for it.

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No, it's not OK if you are going to be shopping. It's not right for you to grab a laptop or tv someone else stood in line for. Even if the item is not a ticket item, you are still potentially grabbing something someone waited in line for.


It shouldn't be necessary anyway. Once the store opens and those in line enter the store, you should be able to find your daughter and join her at the checkout.

Edited by len_mullen
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If you are only there to pay for the item your daughter has stood in line for then it shouldnt be a problem. If, however, she got the laptop, but then you decided to grab a doorbuster tv when you got there as well, there may be some others behind you in line with a problem. Over the course of her waiting in line with these people, though, there will be plenty of opportunity for small talk and mentioning to those around her that you will be coming only to pay for her item and that's it. I'm sure if she does that, I'm sure everyone around her will be understanding. Best of luck! :)
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Here's my question:


Last year my son offered to camp out wherever I wanted to be first in line for. He would camp out and then swap places with me. We wouldn't add to the number of people in line as both he and I hate when people do this, but a one for one swap. Would this be considered a breach of etiquette?


Of course, this is the first year he has offered and this is the year that I have no pressing needs for black Friday specific sales.


Thanks for feedback,



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My dear daughter (24) wants to line up early Thursday evening inorder to get a new laptop. She has not decided what store yet. I don't want to stay with her the whole time, but would like to join her very early prior to store opening. Will cause a riot by joining her? I really want to pay for laptop, This will be a surprise for her. Anyway, I am concerned that the perception will be that I am 'butting in'. What do you think?

I think if you do, I'd stand out there for a while (maybe a few hours) so you can 'chat it up' with the people around you. That way you could go home for a rest and maybe comeback with no problems(maybe). I might be more inclined to let you back in if that was the case. I think it might cause a ruckus(is that really a word, lol) if you just appear and jump in.

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Here's my question:


Last year my son offered to camp out wherever I wanted to be first in line for. He would camp out and then swap places with me. We wouldn't add to the number of people in line as both he and I hate when people do this, but a one for one swap. Would this be considered a breach of etiquette?


Of course, this is the first year he has offered and this is the year that I have no pressing needs for black Friday specific sales.


Thanks for feedback,



This scenerio shouldn't be a problem. Heck, I 've seen people try to sell their spot. I would do it around the time tickets are handed out(if that is the case) or at least an hour or so before the doors open. Just my opinion :rolleyes:.

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I would just tell her not to checkout till you get inside, as others have said if your only gonna pay for it others shouldnt have a problem with it, but im sure you dont want to tell them that as then your daughter would know and wouldnt be suprised
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As you can see from the comments, there is no "right" answer. If you're going to do this, prep the folks behind you. If they see you with you DD when they arrive and you explain it to them, they'll either say OK or not. If they OK, then come back before the store opens. If they aren't cool with it, then find your DD after the store opens and pay for it then. 80% will be OK with it, but you never know. Anyhoo, base what you do on the folks behind you in line that will be affected by it, not what the people in this forum think.
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Eh... it's iffy. Depends on what store you are at. If you are at a 24/7 store, I could see doing this. (for example: last year, I went to WalMart to get a doorbuster. I got there at midnight. [the next person didn't show up until 2 AM] and myself and my friends would switch places while the others went to Electronics and played Rock Band they had setup. LOL!)
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It all depends, but remember Black Friday brings out the worst in people. Would you out you or yourself at any kind of risk to save money?


Best thing to do, you go to the store once it opens. She'll be in checkout line while you're getting in. Stay behind the checkout line, once you see her, go to the checkout lane where she is at. Then pay for your items that's all.

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we have done this many times........ me, and my mom or brother will go wait in line early and have my dad come meet up with us about 4:30am being he had diabetes and problems with his circulation and doesn't do well standing for long periods of time in the freezing weather. When he does show up tho he brings coffee for us with him to make it look like he was just on a store run. We never have anyone give us crap.......
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