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Do you think people will sell their tickets this year due to the economy


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I know its frowned upon but do you see people waiting in line much earlier to try to sell their tickets? Thankfully!!!!! my DH got a job shortly after he got laid off and my income is actually better then last year. But, I could totally see someone in a position that has been laid off for months to do this. I could not blame them just so they could try to even get something for their family this year or even so they wont become homeless or eat over the holidays.:no:


Think about it if you can get a 150 dollar computer for 50 to 100 more and not wait in line for 2 days and had the money I know people at the back of the line waiting at the door would want to buy those tickets.

I have seen it in the past people trying to get us to get tickets for them and willing to pay for them. I have never done it before and even if I got a ticket I didnt need I would go back to each person next in line to see if they wanted the ticket and gave it to the first available person because I didnt like the selling of the tickets.


But , in these times I could be sympathatic to it because I know it could have been me in their position.:no: Even if it meant I had to buy a ticket I might consider it just to help the person. I might not even go this year because I am afraid of this and I really dont want deal with it. I really dont need anything electronics except video games and I can do that online. We got all the big ticket stuff a few years ago.We may get my youngest a new computer but if we do I dont think I will do a deal buster I will just get it through Dell.

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I think there are probably more trustworthy people available to sit outside for days. I don't think there will be a huge upsurge in the people willing to sell tickets, because they will be offset by the people with reduce incomes/schedules who still want to provide a full-effect holiday for less than retail.
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I REALLY hope not. While I understand the economy I think its a rotten thing to do plus would be kind of pointless to pay for ticket and save significantly less. For $50 they might as well go stand on a corner and just ask for money. Maybe it's different in other towns but around here there's no shortage of just begging/asking for money by the side of the road between lights.


Also, I think they might be too busy trying to get what they can while they can.

Edited by tinkrbel
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I agree with conj. I dont think this will be a major issue. Remember it is thanksgiving and most families spend it together.


Out of the 6 years I have done BF at BB I have only seen one person try to sell a ticket and they were arrested shortly after by the manager. Most of the people in front of the line are two types. BF die-hards like me who will camp for days or students (High School/College) who are in need of a laptop or desktop.

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I agree with conj. I dont think this will be a major issue. Remember it is thanksgiving and most families spend it together.


Out of the 6 years I have done BF at BB I have only seen one person try to sell a ticket and they were arrested shortly after by the manager. Most of the people in front of the line are two types. BF die-hards like me who will camp for days or students (High School/College) who are in need of a laptop or desktop.

Arrested by te manager? I'm gonna call BS. These tickets have no value so even in states with scalping laws you can not be arrested. I have seen people told to leave and seen people escorted away by police but never arrested and certainly not by the manager lol. As far as ticket sales go I think people with less money will mean less likely to fork over some for a ticket. I admit I have sold tickets. I only ask $10 though. $50 is kinda nuts. I think the most I ever got was $20

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The tickets had no resale on them and the manager had the guy arrested after he would not leave the property. He got his tickets taken away. Year before last I posted photos of the incident. It was funny to see.




Arrested by te manager? I'm gonna call BS. These tickets have no value so even in states with scalping laws you can not be arrested. I have seen people told to leave and seen people escorted away by police but never arrested and certainly not by the manager lol. As far as ticket sales go I think people with less money will mean less likely to fork over some for a ticket. I admit I have sold tickets. I only ask $10 though. $50 is kinda nuts. I think the most I ever got was $20

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I think yes. :(


I know of one person (friends sister) who plans to do this. I debated them about a week ago and she said "Would you rather have me apply for welfare?" I mean yea she lost her job last week but there has to be a better way to get cash.


I am usually never at loss for words and can debate quite well but I had no good rebuttal for her.

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Right or Wrong...good or bad economy, it still happens. I have been approached by someone selling tickets and just told him "No thanks". That was a couple years ago when the economy wasn't so bad. I personally wouldn't do it. However, I have got tickets and then gave them to friends that were in line (of course, they were further back and had NO chance of getting one).
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Last year I was at Office Depot and there was a guy there that had a ticket for a Notebook computer from Best Buy and he gave the ticket to a woman because he was getting a notebook from Office Depot.

Very Nice!!:yup:

But he did say that the ticket had his last name on it so when she picked it up she would have to use his last name.

Whats up with that?

Edited by crazypurgatory
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BB want to try to prevent fraud on BF so some stores will write the customer name on the ticket and you have to show ID to pick it up.


Last year I was at Office Depot and there was a guy there that had a ticket for a Notebook computer from Best Buy and he gave the ticket to a woman because he was getting a notebook from Office Depot.

Very Nice!!:yup:

But he did say that the ticket had his last name on it so when she picked it up she would have to use his lost name.

Whats up with that?

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I am sure people will do it, but that just takes the fun out of it for everyone. Not to mention makes it unfair.. what's the point in people putting in the time and effort when you can just buy a ticket? If I was to see it I would report it ASAP, I can't stand that kind of stuff.
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Oyyyy, this subject comes up every year. I didn't camp out last year, but I did the previous 4 years. Each of those years I sold my extra vouchers. I waited on line for nearly 24 hrs in each of those years and what I chose to do with the vouchers was my perogative. As to the question of whether selling vouchers will increase this year. I doubt it. Those that sell them do so to those that want to buy them. As far as the old argument that it's unfair etc...well, make sure you are in front of me in line then, problem solved.
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Oyyyy, this subject comes up every year. I didn't camp out last year, but I did the previous 4 years. Each of those years I sold my extra vouchers. I waited on line for nearly 24 hrs in each of those years and what I chose to do with the vouchers was my perogative. As to the question of whether selling vouchers will increase this year. I doubt it. Those that sell them do so to those that want to buy them. As far as the old argument that it's unfair etc...well, make sure you are in front of me in line then, problem solved.

But why would you get the vouchers if you didn't want the item? Leave them for the people that want them. It is just tacky and classless to take advantage of people.

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Oyyyy, this subject comes up every year. I didn't camp out last year, but I did the previous 4 years. Each of those years I sold my extra vouchers. I waited on line for nearly 24 hrs in each of those years and what I chose to do with the vouchers was my perogative. As to the question of whether selling vouchers will increase this year. I doubt it. Those that sell them do so to those that want to buy them. As far as the old argument that it's unfair etc...well, make sure you are in front of me in line then, problem solved.

WOW - really hope I am not in line behind you. I would report you. I understand the need to make money but the person camping behind you wants to buy the same item. If you are the last person to get the ticket you just forced them to pay more to get it from you. The reason for the season is about love, giving, and family. Saving money is great but show some compassion for those behind you.

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The tickets had no resale on them and the manager had the guy arrested after he would not leave the property. He got his tickets taken away. Year before last I posted photos of the incident. It was funny to see.

See he wasn't arrested for selling tickets he was arrested for refusing to leave the property after being asked to. We had that happen to a line jumper in our line 2 years ago. They can ask you to leave for selling tickets but they can't arrest you just for selling tickets.

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In Texas you can becuase of the ticket laws that are local and state. BB in Texas puts a value on the tickets in small print.




See he wasn't arrested for selling tickets he was arrested for refusing to leave the property after being asked to. We had that happen to a line jumper in our line 2 years ago. They can ask you to leave for selling tickets but they can't arrest you just for selling tickets.

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WOW - really hope I am not in line behind you. I would report you. I understand the need to make money but the person camping behind you wants to buy the same item. If you are the last person to get the ticket you just forced them to pay more to get it from you. The reason for the season is about love, giving, and family. Saving money is great but show some compassion for those behind you.

So what if i want to get a ticket for everything and buy all those items and then sell the items. Is that ok? Seriously BF is about making money not love and giving. Look up how it came about. If I wait 24 hours in the cold and have the tickets its my choice if I want to buy everything for me or buy it to sell or just sell the tickets.

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i agree with momlori. i absolutely LOATHE people who use black friday to scam or profit off good people. Get a real job and leave the profit making to the businesses. These are the same people probably buying up the whole lots of zhu zhu pets and making crazy bank off them when good people cant find ONE at the 7.99 STORE PRICE for their kids for christmas. That kind of behavior is so dirty. I am glad I wasnt raised to act like that and I will be sure to raise my kids the same.
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i agree with momlori. i absolutely LOATHE people who use black friday to scam or profit off good people. Get a real job and leave the profit making to the businesses. These are the same people probably buying up the whole lots of zhu zhu pets and making crazy bank off them when good people cant find ONE at the 7.99 STORE PRICE for their kids for christmas. That kind of behavior is so dirty. I am glad I wasnt raised to act like that and I will be sure to raise my kids the same.

So why may only businesses make a profit? They were just people starting up stores to. As for the zhu zhu pets to many people are on that band wagon. The market will soon be flooded on ebay and the things will be everywhere. For the record in the name of profit stores have uped the price on them to $9.99 - $11.99. Are they evil price gougers or just making a buck

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It doesn't matter if I am in front of a ticket seller or behind. The point is SOMEONE who has been following the rules by standing in line is missing out. BF doesn't have to be all about greed and me me me. This community is a perfect example of how much fun can be had by helping others, chatting up strangers about deals and working together to make BF fun for everyone. Those with the cutthroat attitude ruin it for the rest of us.
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No one is "missing out". If you are 10th in line and there are 10 of that item in stock then you will be offered a voucher. It's one per customer and it all rests on where you fall in line and not whether someone sells a voucher specifically...I take one of each voucher as the rules apply and what I do with those is strictly up to me. Seriously this forum is packed every year with eager anticipation of the big black friday sales and it always seems to me when the issue of selling these vouchers comes up it's about how greedy people are who sell vouchers etc...Oh really? Then those of you who see yourselves as oh so benevolent, stay home and leave the good deals for those "good people" who wouldnt get them if *you* weren't out and about snapping them up....or hey why not just buy those deals that you ran out to get so early in the morning and distribute them in the parking lot to customers that slept a bit later than you. Somehow I don't think that's going to happen though.
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No one is "missing out". If you are 10th in line and there are 10 of that item in stock then you will be offered a voucher. It's one per customer and it all rests on where you fall in line and not whether someone sells a voucher specifically...I take one of each voucher as the rules apply and what I do with those is strictly up to me. Seriously this forum is packed every year with eager anticipation of the big black friday sales and it always seems to me when the issue of selling these vouchers comes up it's about how greedy people are who sell vouchers etc...Oh really? Then those of you who see yourselves as oh so benevolent, stay home and leave the good deals for those "good people" who wouldnt get them if *you* weren't out and about snapping them up....or hey why not just buy those deals that you ran out to get so early in the morning and distribute them in the parking lot to customers that slept a bit later than you. Somehow I don't think that's going to happen though.

Ok so let me get this straight, because I spend almost 24 hrs in line to get a laptop and desktop I am one of those "good people" who should just stay home. Funny! Guess I am greedy because every year I do the sale to get stuff for my elementary school classroom. Teaching in a lower income neighborhood means that I can't get stuff for my students unless I buy it myself because the school has such a low budget and the parents don't have the income to donate things. I never knew providing technology items to my students who don't have the means to get them is a bad thing. Too bad one year, someone at the store I was at decided to get a voucher for every item too and that eliminated my chance at getting a computer. One time when I got a voucher for an item and decided not to get it, I was offered money from someone but told them I was giving it to the employee for him to determine who gets it. Sorry to vent, but after reading that most

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Again, your chance was "eliminated" because you weren't in line early enough. The person who took 1 of every voucher was in their right to do so and had secured a place in line in front of you. It's the chance you take. My sister is a teacher so I am familar with teachers spending their own money for school supplies but one's motives for being in line as nothing to do with whether you do or don't get a voucher. And no, you didn't "get it". The "good" people reference is to a previous post stating that those that sell vouchers take away a product from a good person according to the poster. Listen, it's first come, first serve and the bottom line is: Get in line earlier. Edited by chigg62
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As always I have no issue with selling tickets. My son and I will be out side waiting for a VERY long time to get the things we want. IF you want that also then you will also have to give up your day and camp like the rest of us. If someone will buy "our" ticket you better believe "we" will sell it. PERIOD.
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i agree with momlori. i absolutely LOATHE people who use black friday to scam or profit off good people. Get a real job and leave the profit making to the businesses. These are the same people probably buying up the whole lots of zhu zhu pets and making crazy bank off them when good people cant find ONE at the 7.99 STORE PRICE for their kids for christmas. That kind of behavior is so dirty. I am glad I wasnt raised to act like that and I will be sure to raise my kids the same.[



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No one is "missing out". If you are 10th in line and there are 10 of that item in stock then you will be offered a voucher. It's one per customer and it all rests on where you fall in line and not whether someone sells a voucher specifically...I take one of each voucher as the rules apply and what I do with those is strictly up to me. Seriously this forum is packed every year with eager anticipation of the big black friday sales and it always seems to me when the issue of selling these vouchers comes up it's about how greedy people are who sell vouchers etc...Oh really? Then those of you who see yourselves as oh so benevolent, stay home and leave the good deals for those "good people" who wouldnt get them if *you* weren't out and about snapping them up....or hey why not just buy those deals that you ran out to get so early in the morning and distribute them in the parking lot to customers that slept a bit later than you. Somehow I don't think that's going to happen though.

:gdiagree: i am always in the top 10, usually #1 and spend days out in the elements with the good people. The good people are the ones who are generally among the first 50 in line and have established themselves with the group. I always take care of these good people. The ones who show up late expect something for nothing and are not going to get the freeload express from me. These are also the ones who try to get you in trouble for selling a ticket, or when giving it to a friend, they cry foul. Selling tickets may be considered wrong, or against the law in some areas, but not in my area. I have never sold a ticket, but instead purchase the items and profit from the resale. the difference is that you never see the outcome, so it does not directly affect you and your own sense of morality. I also help out friends, family, and church members who know they can come up anytime and get a ticket for nothing.

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