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Everything posted by awellis

  1. awellis

    Target ??

    Most of the time, the 24 hr Walmarts actually close at around 11 pm or midnight and then reopen at 5 am or whenever the sales start. I don't think Target usually opens any earlier than their normal 8 am. So if that's the case, your problem is solved!
  2. I don't really need to buy them. I go to my mom's. She has the local paper delivered, but it doesn't have all the ads. So I get the rest from my grandmother who has the N&O delivered. The N&O is delivered to most of NC and is full of flyers and she doesn't go to BF so it works out great!
  3. Yes they did that. I think they did it two years in a row. I'll never go shopping w/ my aunt again for christmas. It was the 23rd and she didn't have all of her shopping done. She didn't want to shop on christmas eve. She saved Kmart until the end since it was opened 24 hrs. I got home at 3am!!!! Yes 3 am!!! We started at 11 am!!! About the store hours. I thought the walmart hours were earlier than usual. I just thought it was my memory though.
  4. Last year about two weeks before BF, I saw the specials for Target on another BF site. The specials said that there was going to be a sale on some xbox. It was the same price as the xbox, but with 3 games. Well that weekend, my family and I went to Target. We ended up in the electronics department and behold, what did I see? The xbox package that wasn't supposed to be on sale until BF. Now I know sometimes, you have take the rumors with a grain of salt, so I told my husband I wasn't 100% sure that they were selling it early or not. Anyway, when the ads did come out, EVERYONE was selling this package on BF, including target. So its possible that they are stocking up now. In this case, you could have gotten a great deal if you knew and you wouldn't have needed to stand in line.
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