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Everything posted by annelay6

  1. also depends on how much time your going to be playing your ps3 or ifyou watch alot of espn any channel where something stays on the screen like at the bottom alot we bought our samsung a little over a year and everything i read said these things can stay like burnt into well my husband does both a whole lot so we went with the 1080p projection samsung youll have to replace the bulb every few years but the plasma or lcd can be just as much as buying a new one to fix it the bulbs are 150 and our tv only weighs i think 60 lbs
  2. btw i bought the crochet ones last year
  3. yes i wear a 4 sometimes 5 in kids but my uggs had to be a 6 the kids ones were to small
  4. hello i know my camera is a kodak easyshare c813 i seen it on sale for about 70.00 somewhere next week ill find it for ya but i took mine to disney world and the beach at night and my pictures are perfect this camera will adjust itself to the light i love it it a year old and there are newer ones out there but i wouldnt changfe mine
  5. yes the one in cincinnati just closed and one in kentucky is closing i went to one in cincinnati and i got 3 pair of nike flip flops 3 pair of reebok flip flops 2 pair skecher boots 4 more pair flip flops pink, blue, tan angel capris, bengals sweatshirt ,bengals t shirt ,2 nautica shirts, 2 disney princess shirts, 1 bobby jack shirt 1 pair of world industries gym shoes devil pepper, 4 bottles herbal essence hairspray 1 levis shirt for baby girl my total was $101.xxx almost 102 it was the last day for the store to be open so they didnt care what price was on it they would just ring it up price tag or not
  6. hi could you please foward this to me i missed the other sales there and i would really love some pjs thank so much happy hollidays
  7. let me just start with i was a waitress/manager in a restraunt for 5 years now im at home with 5 girls 12.6,4,3,6 months i know hard work what i dont understand is what happened to traet others how you would want to be treated werent we tought this arent we teaching our children this this person made the other feel bad regardless of the situation there isnt a need for that i tell my girls all the time just because someone has a job and gets paid for it doesnt mean they know how to do their job i have also dealt with the rudest people but dont you learn kindness always wins they will leave the situation feeling worse then you ever would if you dont like your job leave it i cant very well quit mine can i but would i ever have an excuse to make my girls feel bad no! would i ever make a customer feel bad when i was in the restraunt buisness no !they would curse at me and want things free all the time i would simply say please dont curse at me or yell or this conversation is over if you can do this im sure can resolve this problem i was told by the owners customer is always right they are paying for your service yes to the one who seems to not like children so much my girls do touch every toy and pick up every toy and play with it and makes a mess in every reatraunt but i do put every toy back wher they got it even if its on the other side of store and i clean up every mess they make in a restraunt i even pick things up off the floor and still leave a good tip when i have bad service i ask then and there is there a reason you are being rude to me and can someone else help me which usually shocks them and there attitude changes sorry for saying so much but my whole point is treat others how you want to be treated like i said from the beginning merry x-mas ,happy holidays even to you who seem to forget this is the time for happiness
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