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Posts posted by fingerlakesmom

  1. One year my BIL asked for TP every year he asks for the tooth flossers the hand ones u use once


    As for DS pregnancy test he hasn't used it yet he informed he he wasn't worried he was pregnant yet  :g_shrug:  I'm thinking one of these days I am gonna ask to borrow it juts to shock him :)

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  2. well not excited this year.... not even for turkey day... I lost my mom this year.... going to a sad one.

    same here though I am going with it for the boys.


    My 16 year old started crying today saying it won't be the same without gramma.


    My youngest who is nine wants me to take him to grampas on saturday so he can ask him in person to come to our house christmas morning

  3. Oh yeah.... thankuflly my two oldest undertand mom didn't have any daycare income over the summer gramma got cancer lots of extra gas to go visit her the tranny went in the van had to gtea new vehical afetr borriwing form oterhs for two months with all that I only haeva couple thigns tucked away and those are for the littlest..then throw in we did lose gramma welll and my x juts lost his job


    however the oldest will get twelve botles of hot sauce and the middle ahs 5 boxes of girl scout thin mints :)

  4. leefamily23- Reading this thread has made me feel just sick about your situation. My family is having a rough year financially, as well. My DH's plant closed, so he lost his job in January. He is going back to school, but we are living on a fraction of what our previous income was. But I cannot imagine what it would be like to have to worry that my sister (or any family members) were going to be mad at me because I can't spend much on their gifts this year.


    $150 a child is CRAZY... my budget for my own kids is only $200 (and it was a stretch to save that!) (I only buy for 1 neice, and I spend $25 on her... my sister buys for my 2 boys, spending $20-$30 total on them). Even if you were not having a difficult time, it would be COMPLETELY reasonable for you to tell your sister that you wanted to cut back the budget.


    If my sister were going through what you are, I would tell her not to worry, that something I bought for my boys could be from her so she didn't need to spend anything, and if she insisted on buying something, I would scale back the budget until she felt good about it. I would also tell her that I am going to spend my regular amount on her daughter to help give her a nice Christmas (and the gifts didn't have to be from me... they could be from her, or Santa, whichever worked out better). And I know without a doubt, she would do the same for me.


    I'm so sorry that your family is struggling this year and on top of that, you aren't getting the support you should have from everyone in your family. I don't really have any advice... I would just tell your sister, due to all the issues we're having this year, this is what we are able to do for Christmas, I hope it doesn't upset you, but we have to do what we have to do.


    Your family will be in my prayers for a full and speedy recovery for your DH, relief of your financial strains, and for you all to have a blessed Christmas! You are so right- your husband's life is much more precious than any gift you could possibly give or receive! Whatever your sister's reaction is, try not to dwell on it. Celebrate your blessings! *Lots of hugs*


    AGreeing with all!



  5. hmmmm it may change this year we just lost my mom two weeks ago


    christans eve at my parents same dinner eahc year :) grandkids my 3 boys and niece and nephew get to open one gift then we head home


    christasm moring at our own homes I wake boys and they all coem inopt living room togterh dpending on were we are living it has menat they all camp out in one bedroom L)


    thenwe heade dbakc to Gramma and Gramap's about 11:30 grandkids open gifts lunch same thigne each year :) then adults open and my x gets my kids at three


    oh boys alway get new pjs and are allwoed to warr them all day hristmas da (Well not sure if dad makes them dress)

  6. oh wait also for the girls the dollar store for buble bath and ours has sets of "lip" gloss that is very pastel and pretty hair "tie" sets or that glitter lotion grab a couple of those things get a pretty girly colored basket or pastic tub while there and they have ther OWN bath stuff my 6 year old niece loves this
  7. Wal Greens right now has a set of 2 webkinz for $10 a big and little of the same one good for the girls


    or the craft stores will be selling big art sets for aournd $5 then grab some pastel paper for the dollar store for the girls


    also you amey want to check halloweencostumes my 8 year old is getting a bunch for dress up most palces right now have htem 50%-90% off. he gets to be aninja batman and an army guy plus one otehr his brother picked out can't remember


    for the 20 the dollar store or the target $1 section has nice lotions and soaps and fuzzy socks



    for the boy wal mart usally has sets of hotwheels cars or buckets of lego's for $5 bf or when my youngest was that age he also loved the clearance costumes and a "real" flashlight you can get them at the dollar store w/ the batteries the kind that take c

  8. I woulnd't mind adn neietrh does any of my family


    In fact a lot gf gifts they get from me are eiterh garage sale, thrift store/dolalre store or homemade.'


    I also give my chidlren those kinds of gifts and they love them



    last eyar my husbdna took our boys to the Store and they each had a blast picking out and filling a bag with gifts they knew I would love.


    Chritsmas morning they were so thrilled to have me open each of their bags that were filled and oh & ah over them

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