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  1. Sears in OP Florida had extra 75% off of clearance women's dresses, 50% off most other clearance women's clothes, and 80% extra off junior's clearance. I did not check out the kid's and the men's did NOT have any extra off. There was also an extra 50% off handbags and jewelry, but NOT shoes. But they had some GREAT deals. I got two Sag Harber skirt suits with tweedy looking blazers for $5.99 each. I also got a pair of pants for $5.49, two pair of Junior Jeans for $5.29 each, and an argyle sweater for $3.00+. I also got a pair of Skechers work/electrical shoes for $9.99. Oh yeah, a T-Fal stainless toaster for $11.14 and a car charger for Gameboy SP & DS for $2.97. Many items were less at register than they were marked (before the extra off)...for example, the pink clearance tag may show $50.00,,, but you get to the register and it rings up as $30, so you pay $15 after the extra 50% off .
  2. I think it all depends on the seller. I bought my husband a $900 Titleist golf club set (the one he wanted was discontinued and no longer in the stores and the on line golf stores were even more outrageous for the set). They shipped perfectly and were in perfect condition and a year later he loves them just as much. Yet I tried to buy a lot of used shirts for $10 + $19 shipping for my daughter and they never shipped and the seller never replied to my contacts or the dispute. So there are great sellers who I would feel comfortable buying a large item from and others who you can tell just by their listing and/or feedback that they are scheisters. But I sell a lot of stuff you CAN get in stores... But I do not know HOW many people tell me that they just cannot get the same items in their area.... They live in mountains and rural areas,,,, I sell a lot to Alaska, Hawaii, Iowa, the Dakotas, Puerto Rico, and Guam. Just today I told a lady it would cost $26.90 (and YES, that WAS the exact cost for a 2.8 lb package) to send some shoes to New Zealand. And she was more than happy to pay that because she said shoes were like $120 US dollars there! And I sell a lot to homebound people who cannot shop. And to a lot of business people who are too busy to go to a store. So eBay is a valuable shopping avenue for a lot of people. So to say blanketly that people should just go to the store and get it is not always possible for some....
  3. I also sell on eBay and I agree that what the original poster described is exorbitant and the sellers who do that should be reported. Because I think it is sellers who do this that make eBay raise its fees to charge the rest of us what they are not getting from the sellers who do that. I try to keep my shipping costs reasonable for the type of items I am selling, But as a seller, it is getting harder and harder. EBay has raised their sellers fees so much recently, that we are at a catch 22. If we raise our item prices to make profits, we don't get bids. If we raise shipping prices or charge handling fees to offset some of the losses, we are accused of padding our fees. I sell a lot of shoes on eBay and I have to charge between $8 & $10 for shipping for each pair. It sounds like a lot, but the actual cost to ship a pair of Skechers somewhere is usually at LEAST $8. A Pair of boots can actually be $12.00 or $15.00 to ship. It REALLY does cost a lot for shipping ....AND postal rates will be going up yet AGAIN in May! How these big corporations ship for free, I cannot figure out. They must have SOME kind of deal with UPS or something. But I also feel buyers should look at the total price of the item as the item and shipping. Because generally, I try to keep my total prices within 25% to 50% below retail.... Which can still be a bargain for someone in timbuktu who wants a pair of shoes or set of sheets. But I can sure see both sides of the coin. I used to be disgusted with sellers who had exorbitant shipping fees, but the more I deal with eBay as a seller, the less I feel annoyed by them.
  4. They had these at Dillards this week for $24.98 on clearance... Almost got one but decided against it for the following reasons: Looks like you can only cook 1 steak/fish piece/chicken piece at a time.... That would not make it quick, even at 6 min per steak for my family of 5 Needs those parchment papers = expensive and like the person said above, what if they quit making them. It was a pretty bulky appliance,,,where to put it? It will prob become obsolete soon. ... but i have never tried it so i may be way off base.
  5. Try this link : http://www.kohls.com/kohlsStore/kitchendining/brandsforkitchen/circulon/PRD~97384/Circulon+TOTAL+12pc+HardAnodized+Nonstick+Cookware+Set.jsp?prtID=pfx&src=k1971&cm_mmc=Performics-_-Affiliate-_-**Slick%20Deals**-_-120x30%20Kohl's%20w%2Fborder&prtID=pfx&src=k1971&cm_mmc=Performics-_-Affiliate-_-**Slick%20Deals**-_-120x30%20Kohl's%20w%2Fborder
  6. I had that happen one time with a croquet set I went to get .... mom sent kids $25 and wanted me to get them a croquet set. Well, they had some pretty crappey looking ones for about $20 and then they had a SUPER nice boxed Eddie Bauer set and the shelf tag said $14.98. I kept looking at it thinking "NO way!" Because it was obviously a much nicer, well made set than the others. Turns out they printed the tag wrong and it was supposed to be $74.98! But they sold it to me for the price on the tag .... BTW the croquet thing happened a couple of years back,,,i am sure it has been corrected by now
  7. Most of the older Target stores do not have the newer scanners where you can type in the numbers on a keypad.... I have only seen them in the newer and remodeled Targets.
  8. I know some people use something called "C4C" , some type of program called "check4change" I think, that gives them an audible alert whenever the kohl's sale page changes. It is some kind of program that can be downloaded and used with some kind of Firefox browser or something,,,, but that is about all i know about it,,,,it is basically all Greek to me, but maybe it might make sense to someone more computer savvy. But, I think that is how some people are getting alerted more quickly to the "in stock" change on the webpage and it gets sold out so fast.
  9. The set you see when you look up "Circulon" on their website is the 10 piece set that is not on clearance. The clearance set appears to be "hidden" in their website and is a 12 piece set. It randomly comes in and out of stock,,,,it was available last night as I bought one then, and I think it was available at least once today.
  10. I'd try visiting one in nearer to a retirement community on the outskirts of Orlando... My MIL lives in Clermont and I always shop down there because they have the BEST clearance deals.
  11. One other hint: Look for items in the wrong 'spot'. If the shelf tag says one thing and the item is different, chances are it might be a clearance item. Or an item of housewares in the toy aisle,,,,stuff like that. And, Although I would hope it would never happen, I am afraid some dedicated perusers actually remove the red sticker before 'hiding' their item, thereby lessening the chance another peruser will find it and buy it before it goes 75%. I think that is being kind of shady, in my opinion. But I am sure it is not one of us GD perusers, as we all try to be fair about our bargain hunting.
  12. FYI ... Orange Park FL, CR 220: Heaters are 75% off
  13. Do you have the DCPI number and/or photo?
  14. I think this one is dead (for now). Although it appears in stock, when i get to the final order confirmation page, it says: "We're sorry, but SKU# 88462061 is no longer available. To continue, you must remove this item from your order. To remove this item from your order, click the green "shopping bag & checkout" button in the top navigation above. This will return you to your shopping bag, where you can easily remove this item."
  15. I also get "We're sorry, but SKU# 88462061 is no longer available. To continue, you must remove this item from your order. To remove this item from your order, click the green "shopping bag & checkout" button in the top navigation above. This will return you to your shopping bag, where you can easily remove this item." Does anyone know the sku# for the white one? Perhaps i might be able to try to order it by the sku# and get around the "out of stock" message?
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