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  1. Thank you!
  2. I'm in! Life was too hectic and my brain was like swiss cheese last year. Hopefully I'll remember to post next month.
  3. Would love to get this for the pup, even thought I know she would destroy within minutes. https://www.amazon.com/Holiday-Tails-Swimming-Squeaker-Crinkle/dp/B08MD3D61S/ref=sr_1_56?dchild=1&keywords=dog+holiday+toys&qid=1633389438&sr=8-56
  4. It's just not fall until I have my first eggnog latte
  5. Wow, can't believe it's September already. We had an amazingly beautiful summer. Temps in the low to mid 70's with the perfect amount of rain to keep everything green. Lots of rain right now and it's cooled off to the mid 50's. Our dog (golden) is loving the cooler temps. Took her on an off leash run yesterday, and after having lots of zoomies in the woods, she was wet, muddy and very happy.
  6. Happy August! Can't believe the summer has flown by so quickly. The past several months have been a blur. With all the staff layoffs we had in April, those of us left are doing our best to keep up working 4 days a week (and grateful to still have jobs). I remember how stressful it was at first, but interestingly enough, being in a constant state of stress feels normal now - not healthy, I'm sure, but what are you going to do? Hugs to those of you who have lost jobs. My heart breaks for you. Our mayor just issued a one month reset and rolled back restrictions to phase 2 until the end of the month. So tired of going backwards. I need some light at the end of the tunnel. Hang in there everyone and enjoy the rest of your summer.
  7. Hope everyone had a nice Independence Day weekend!
  8. Happy June, everyone! I can’t believe it’s June already. Summer is here and we’ve been having a nice one so far. Been working from home since mid-March and I can’t seem to keep track of what day it is. I imagine I will be going back to the office in the next few weeks. It’s been nice being home with hubs, who is retired, and the pup. Our governor has reopened the state, with guidance from our chief medical officer, moving us from Phase 2 to Phase 4. Yay! Our mayor unfortunately is dragging his feet and we are at Phase 3 in Anchorage. I wish he would stop playing politics and trying to one-up the governor. Our state’s cases are, I believe, the lowest. There haven’t been any spikes as we’ve reopened. The 14-day quarantine if you fly into Alaska has is being lifted starting Saturday. Anyone flying in has to provide proof they are COVID-19 negative and can move about freely and enjoy our beautiful state. Working in the tourism industry, it has been devastating. I miss seeing all of the visitors having a wonderful time. I so want normal again.
  9. Week 7 of hunker down mode in Alaska. One of the good things about living in an isolated state is our COVID19 numbers are very low and we seem to be past peak. Halfway thru phase one of opening up businesses. Can't wait to get thru this. 2/3 of the staff at my office was laid off last month, which is very sad. The company I work for is very small, so it was like losing part of my family. Unfortunately, tourism is getting hammered and there wasn't any choice. On the bright side, the snow is gone and it's going to be sunny and in the low 60's this week which is perfect temperatures up here. Hope everyone is doing well and staying healthy and safe.
  10. The snow has finally started to melt enough that patches of grass are poking thru. Come on Spring! Been working from home for 3 weeks. Not too bad but I miss my work peeps. Like most companies, mine is taking a huge hit financially. They had to lay off 1/4 of the company which makes me so sad. Hope the end of this is in sight soon. Hope everyone stays well.
  11. I'm so sorry for your loss. Argh, I'm so ready for spring. Got about 8 inches of snow the past few days, now heading for some subzero temps at night for the rest of the week. Then another shot of snow probably Sunday. At least the sun feels warm again. We're almost there. Looking forward to breakup!
  12. After surviving the 8th coldest January on record, I am so glad it's February. Mid to high 20's this week and it's downright balmy.
  13. Happy 2020 to all!
  14. Happy December, everyone! We got a nice dump of snow yesterday - it looks so pretty outside. Unfortunately, it's going to warm up this weekend and melt again - 3rd time this winter.
  15. Yippee! Thank you so much!
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