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Everything posted by Scoottaxi

  1. This will be the first year I'm not heading out at all
  2. CompUSA 512 MB Ram FOR LAPTOP BestBuy 2 (Emachine T3406 w Monitor) Netgear SuperG Router & Card 75 Pack DVD & CDR combo 6 Mini DV tapes Lexmark Multi Function Printer Toshiba Laptop Samsung MiniDV PNY 1GB USB MAG 19" LCD Dlink Wireless kit Gateway Laptop ipod nano 2 Ipod itunes Gift Cards Ipod transpod panasonic minidv Sandisk 512mb mp3 Sandisk 1GB SD Sandisk 1GB CF Sandisk 512MB SD Home Depot 2 Folding ladders Flashlight set Office Depot Sandisk 1gb Mp3
  3. I got one and love it. Upgraded the Ram to a GB for 40 and put in a better battery.
  4. $3,350.35:2banned: If I get all the rebates it will bring it down to $2,692.35 I picked up a couple things for friends at other best buys who did not get what they wanted as I was first in line. So that will bring my purchases down to $944.19 Merry xmas to me
  5. I don't care because I have been Walmart free for 4 years So will Mitt be our next candidate for pres?
  6. Ill be at either of the following: Commack NY (Store 200) Most likely S Setauket NY (Store 458) My wife is pregnant so I am alone in NY.
  7. Im from MA but will be in Long Island for thanksgiving. Anyone doing BB and want a shopping buddy?
  8. I will be getting both. My wife & I want a new laptop. My mother in law gets last years laptop. She wants a printer for her condo in Fl. Free After rebate = :-) I already have 4 PCs at home & 1 laptop. Doesn't everyone have a PC in the garage? I don't know what i will do with the desktop. I was looking at the wishing tree to see if anyone is asking for a computer. We shall see. I am sure it will go to someone who needs it or I may just make someone hapy at the store and sell it for cost.
  9. 2 years ago I gave away the bestbuy desktop ticket to a woman who looked like she needed it more than I. She was almost in tears saying this was the only way she could afford the computer to the sales clerk. I waited for him to say no ticket no pc. I just gave her mine. I was going to resell it anyway and figured it was a nice christmas gesture.
  10. Anyone have the model numbers on the Circuit city camcorder deals?
  11. Yes it does. It is a CRT not an LCD
  12. I don't live in NY I will just be visiting family as I do every other year in NY. PM Me if you plan on hitting Bestbuy early
  13. I'll be around Smithtown for the BF sales. Bestbuy is my target. Would be great to share a spot in line with another gottadeal member.
  14. I am spending the holidays in Long Island New york. For some reason Staples is not running the sale in LI NY. Should have stayed home in MA
  15. A little bird at staples told me they will have a cpu for 200 on the 26th? any one else heard this? supposedly no kb or mouse just cpu
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