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Posts posted by sapphire

  1. one of those learning systems...


    does anyone know why the LeapPad Plus Writing Learning System is in the clearance section on TRU.com?


    i thought this was one of those staple systems that doesnt get old?


    is there a new one coming out they can grow with???



  2. ross thanks very much


    i dont think i will go over 150, unless its of GREAT VALUE or something, but i want a name that is GOOD...the set i have now is rusting in my dishwasher so i need a new one...i like the wood block too


    he'll sharpen so that part i'm not too worried about


    thanks mrn8, i have a fear of knives, i will cut things but i wont even clean them, that sharpener looks like it would be ok even for me

  3. we get to each open 1 gift...but we usually let the kids open 1 for each and 1 combo gift...


    mum has dinner at her house so they get 1 gift each there as well...


    we leave cookies and milk and carrotsout


    then after they are asleep...dad gets to open up all the toys we want to set up and ever lil twisty tie and barbie hair thats taped down and little people's that are individually tied down like mid-century torture chambers...i swear they are punishing the parents for some odd reason, like a million little people all over the house isn't punishment enough, esp when you step on 4 at a time...


    sorry i was ranting out loud

  4. how do you decide what to put in for all those people???


    i do one for each kid but they are so small i have a hard time filling it...


    i do one for the Mr, which is actually easier cause its all toiletries, LOL...it's also the ONLY things i know what to buy of for him, he's worse to shop for than me

  5. i'm a bit anal in the organization department....my kids are tiny still so the attic is the third floor finished type, i wont step foot in my basement...anyways everything goes up there in section...my kids in one area, neice's nephew and the parents go in another, friends kids in another and our folks in another...


    i have a spreadsheet that i take my receipts to after each shopping trip and add what i just bought and how much...i also color code it, red is bought, black is what i am looking for....this list comes with me everywhere...spending limits for everyone, i allow a $5 overage but if i'm under $5 i won't make up for it, i might add a big candy bar...


    my kids are the only ones i will go over for

  6. i have no extended family in this country...he has a huge family and as a family we take all the kids under 16 and drop the names in a hat, pull names per Adult couple and if we pull a godchilds name it gets tossed back in so no one gets a godchild or grandkid...we limit the gift to $25 MAX and buy for that 1 kid...


    then the adults do a $20 MAX Yankee Swap


    however we have all our friends who decided to finally catch up to us and have kids and they have always bought for our kids so i buy for their kid as well...this leaves my list at 20-22 ppl (i also buy my boss's something small)

  7. technically i have a empty credit card


    but i also have $1000 for x-mas shopping, plus whatever he gives me....so i dont mention the $1000...hehehe i know sneaky but i know he wants something a little extreme and if BF is nice to me, he gets the extreme gift this year, he's been good...


    SIL and my brother have agreed to set spending limits this year...BONUS...so it won't be an expensive year thank goddess

  8. i need to get my ds a toy box for his room, he's 20 months, so i want something that will stand up and is TAT...


    i only require it holds alot and looks like a boys room decor...there are so many on the market i dont mind spendinig the $ to get one that will last


    i am going to be using it to display his x-mas gifts from "santa"



  9. my kids are too young...my 3.5 yr old tells me she wants every commercial it seems...


    i start wishlist's on TRU and WM and Target and e-mail it to family members to give them ideas...i ask them to either have it removed from list or TELL ME so Santa doesnt buy it too

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