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  1. I miss the "letter to Santa "..describing what he should get and how much he should pay Those were good times
  2. Arthur Christmas Quote: “This place reminds me of Santa’s Workshop! Except it smells like mushrooms and everyone looks like they want to hurt me.”
  3. Christmas with the Kranks "Where do you think you're gonna put a tree that big?" "Bend over and I'll show you"
  4. 3k $5 socks and underwear for me The rest on the wife and 10yr old son
  5. Lake compounce(not indoor)here in CT does a black Friday deal for season passes around 40% off
  6. Well usually its after shopping on black Friday.....but this year im unemployed with nothing to do so probably Nov 1st
  7. got it the day b4 thanksgiving last yr (special online deal) for my 3 and a half yr old....he loves it...it is wonderful...I would highly recommend
  8. "prediction?....Pain!!!"----Clubber Lang ..Rocky 3
  9. Just saw this on Walmart.com
  10. uh taking everyones doorbusters of course....i will sometimes take the last item of something on sale (especially if someone is being rude about trying to get it) and then donate it to charity of course....so remember....Christmas is a time for giving...be nice...dont act like everyone else around you owes you something "He knows when you've been bad or good....so be good for goodness sake"
  11. Christmas starts tomorrow here in CT........... why you ask.....Because we're getting 6-12 inches of snow..... good grief Charlie Brown
  12. adult recipe alot like an alcoholic drink lol My fiance wanted me to post this recipe. it is shared with her be her good friend Pete Schweddy...They are his famous Scheddy Balls He shares these with her every Christmas and throughout the rest of of the year when she craves them most. I have tried to duplicate them but she says that his ar more suculant and moist Note: be careful where you lay your balls for they may become mis shapen Note to guys: these make a great gift for that special lady in your life when tied with pretty ribbon and a bow... women cant resist a Schweddy Ball Sack 2-3 tbsp organic natural peanut butter (no salt or sugar added) 2 tbsp agave nectar (I'll just be using honey) 1/2 cup of organic vanilla or choc. protein powder 2 tbsp organic shredded coconut 1 tbsp chopped nuts 2 tbsp raisins or other dried fruit you like Mix first 3 ingredients in a bowl until mixture gets kind of crumbly then add the remaining ingredients and roll into 3 balls and refrigerate to set. 1 ball = 1 serving Enjoy!!!!
  13. Banana Pudding 3 boxes of instant vanilla pudding...(made as directed...2 cups of milk per box) 4-6 bananas ....(peeled and sliced medium thin) 1 box of nilla waffers 1 glass dish...(you can use a deep round serving dish...or your standard rectangled caserole dish) layer starting with a thin layer of pudding.....then bananas...... then waffers keep layering until all ingrediants are gone...(should make 4-8 layers depending on the size of dish you use)..try to make the last layer with waffers refrigerate 6-8 hrs for best results
  14. for the record the first showing this month was the 18th.....my all time favorite CHRISTMAS movie
  15. Well if the airing of How The Grinch Stole Christmas is the offical start....i guess Christmas cometh early this yr...tv schedule says 11/5 8pm est on TBS.....woohooooo...i better take the decorations out of the attic this weekend
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