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  1. I was looking at this as well. I have them in my cart so I’m ready for the price change. I’ll be randomly checking too so if it changes before Monday.
  2. I can’t remember. Are the deals revealed for Event 2 at the same time as Event 1? I’ll be in the middle of the ocean on a Thanksgiving cruise during Event 2 lol so I’m hoping to know beforehand so I can plan accordingly.
  3. So cool, Brad! RIP to all the stores we’ve lost …ahhh the good ol days. Hopefully, I can win one. If not, I’m willing to purchase if quantity allows.
  4. this made my evening
  5. Bummer …would’ve been nice tho.
  6. Anybody win??? I didn’t lol, but it would be cool if anybody here did
  7. Awesomeeeee!! Congrats! Please let us know how the godkids reacted
  8. Checking in for December !
  9. I’ve missed a couple of years, but I’m officially entering ….and praying I see you all #BF2024 . ***sets reminder for the 1st of every month lol
  10. Looks like Kohls will have the exact same air fryer Target has on sale now ($39.99) for 33.99. I saw a few other small things I can get from Kohl’s so makes sense to me to get it from there and earn so Kohl’s cash too.
  11. I don’t usually buy “big ticket items” on BF but my memorable BF deal was a PS NFL Madden video game for my brother …can’t remember the year but it was at Walmart …the pallets were still wrapped and I was just waiting for the clock to strike midnight grab it. That same night I got a couple good toys deals and the $3 kids pajama sets. I was ecstatic. It was like my first official BF where I felt like a pro lol … I had conquered Walmart EDIT: the game was $29!! I forgot to mention that lol
  12. As of today, I am scheduled to work half day on actual BF, but I have high hopes that it’ll turn into a full day off. I work for a hospital and the docs my dept deal with will definitely be closed for the holiday. Like most have mentioned, I plan to do most of my shopping online, but will go out to the stores because it’s tradition for my friends and I.
  13. Awesome ! Thanks again, Brad! Congrats to the other winners and thanks everyone
  14. It’s a great deal ! I’m just hoping we get a few more ads by the end of the week. While this is a great deal; if I can purchase a nice one with a perk (gc or store cash) then I would want to do that. We’ll see.
  15. So it begins … I don’t shop here but I sure am excited to see an ad! thanks Brad ! EDIT: after excited looking thru this ad just because I’m excited ..I just may be shopping here after all lol …my oldest daughter wants a make up vanity and they have on advertised for $125. But I only see white, hopefully black is available; she specifically asked for black.
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