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About candlesbytammy1

  • Birthday 06/27/1973
  1. planning my day and seeing how much i save
  2. I think the more you order the more goodies or at least better goodies you should get, but I will take whatever is sent to me...I'm just happy I'm getting a t shirt either way. I just placed my order for a t shirt. Can't wait, but do agree with having sweatshirts, that would be awesome!
  3. I've been a member for years. I Check this website daily. Always great deals all year long. Will be around for another year.
  4. The WHOLE DAY....love the preparation....getting on here daily to see the newest ad that might have come out ..making my list of where and when to go and what to get exactly....then going to each of the places and seeing if I can get everything I needed. Then to go home, unload my vehicle and realize how much stuff I bought but also realizing how much I saved by going out on Black Friday. Overall, my favorite thing is sitting down at the end of the day and totaling how much I should have spent and then comparing it to the amount I actually spent. SAVINGS SAVINGS and more SAVINGS
  5. Finally it's here Biggest shopping day of year Adrenaline Rush
  6. Just tried the "surprise" code as well as the "J5RN24XPV9" codes and got my 3 and 5 points....also followed the link above ( http://disney.go.com/cars/?cmp=dmov_...s#/sweepstakes ) and the directions and got the 50 points....thank you to all who posted those.
  7. Saw an advertisement on another website.....enter COOL for 50 points
  8. congratulations to all the winners. I haven't been lucky enough to win, but plan to one of these years I will! Enjoy
  9. Best Buy... Toshiba 15.6" Dual Core Laptop w/ $GN, 500GB, HP WiFi printer $449.99 Sears... Colormate Embossed MicroFiber Sheets 12.99 Colormate MicroFiber Quilt 9.99 AAFES Womans 2pc Notched Collar Flannel PJ set w/eye mask 9.99 Target Weeds DVD Season 1 9.99 Walgreens... 2 Liter Pepsi .99 Menards... Large Popcorn Tin 3.77 Assorted Selection of Chocolate 1.95 TOTAL $499.66 I can spend my time off wearing my new pj's in bed watching my DVD, playing on the computer and eating and drinking....too bad it isn't true
  10. most expensive..that depends upon what you want to classify as expensive...to me that is the XBOX 360 and some games, but then there was the cell phone which wasn't that expensive but the service for 2 years added up weirdest would be my 16 year old son who wants flint and lint for Christmas....why...I don't think I want to know....(he is a good kid, never been in trouble so not too worried what he would do with it) but last year he wanted a taser gun....he said he wouldn't use it, just wants to have one.....obviously he didn't and won't get one. but maybe i should be asking/wondering why
  11. PHOTO #1 a few carts, a ball and line tape is suppose to hold everyone back.....Little does this Target know how 'Black Friday' really works being the stores first year.....I guess some will have to learn by their mistakes. PHOTO #2 This isn't bad at all...we're #1 in line, we have our munchies, video games, and our blankies...what else could we ask for? Wonder how the women are doing on hunting...just sitting there.. waiting with nothing to do. PHOTO #3 ATTENTION WAL-MART SHOPPERS...the doors will be opening soon and we are asking for your help to keep everything calm..to get this started I will be singing 'Kumbaya'..everyone
  12. Hanging out with friends Freezing our big ole buts off why can't it be warm weather is frightful meeting new friends, delightful let it snow...oh no!
  13. I have done many romantic spaghetti dinner baskets...buy a box of spaghetti and a good spaghetti sauce, some breaksticks, a small bottle of parmesan, you can add 2 plates and 2 full sets of silverware, 2 glasses and a bottle of sparkling cider...you can also add 2 candles and holders, maybe a bag of Hershey's Kisses spread out! I usually end up spending around $30 for it all.
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