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Posts posted by momofangel

  1. 1) I don't need a shopping cart to block people from the doorbusters, I have ninja skills to get me through.


    2) No no no...It's put your right hand in and THEN shake it all about.


    3) Home, Home on the range.....where the Shoppers and doorbusters play. (sang in tune to the song home on the range. ;) )

  2. I normally put our decorations up the week before Thaksgiving. We travel all over it seems like, Thanksgiving week (so we can get all family time in) so I want it up and ready to plug in when we get back home the Sunday after Thanksgiving. Just an unrelated note...It is getting harder and harder, with the kids getting older, to shop on BF and then hide the stuff in our vehicle during the ride home. ;)

  3. Black Friday is quite poosibly the very best tradition my family has! Me my sister (and now my daughter since she is older )always spend the night at a hotel close to the best shopping and we get up at the wee hours and just have a great time. We are uually at stores no later than 4 am and we don't get home until well after 6. It is a great way to bond!


    anyway the best BF experiance was when I was 9 months pregnant with my second child....I was at walmart wanting the barbies....people saw how big I was and started handing me anything I needed....LOL I guess they felt sorr for me. It looked like a huge assembly line passing things back. One worker said they had NEVER seen anything like it! :)

  4. I was 81/2 mon preggo several years back (well, more than several, DS is almost 7 LOL) and people were super nice on BF to me. They were all afraid I was going to go into labor! people were handing me stuff over the crowds so I could get out of the store! It was great!


    Good luck to all the preggo's!!!:D

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