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  1. Definitely a fanny pack or yeti type tumbler!
  2. #ditto! We only renew during BF... Hopefully we'll see something soon or day of.
  3. My kids changed their mind on Xmas gifts and now I have to return some big items and get a Nintendo Switch urgh...
  4. I'm in! Love looking for deals on this site and I have to say I'm a Kohl's fanatic and usually come here to get the codes. Anyone adding calendar reminders?
  5. Where is Verizon! Hurry up already!
  6. Help! In need of 2 laptops for DD14 and DD17. They each have a Samsung Chromebook for school work, but are super duper into league of legends and that is the one game they cannot play on the Chromebook. Any ideas?
  7. Awesome! Thank you all for the information shared.....I got the big one sheets and 5 of the big one plush throws...always a big hit in my house. 20% and home10 worked for me..
  8. Thank you Brad and to all of you who have posted the deal information! I was able to get all that I wanted....
  9. Same here, the throws and a couple of timex watches
  10. MEEE TOOO....
  11. so sad, 1st round of viewing done and there is nothing that caught my eye...meh! Anyone else?
  12. 1. Let's just say I'm a veteran @ 20+ 2. About the same as last year 3. Totally! I work full time and online is the way to go, during breaks and lunch and sometimes in between! 4. It may only be myself and hubby this year. 5. Get organized and know where stuff is! I hate asking about something and getting a blank face in return.
  13. I agree with many of you....I did lots of online shopping, but still went out Friday in the very early am and found good deals.
  14. This year it will be Walmart, Kohls, JcPenney and Target.
  15. http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00FWJKATK?psc=1&redirect=true&ref_=oh_aui_detailpage_o08_s00 Hope this works....but I would love to get something like this, it is very inexpensive and a great find for those watch lovers! http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/41Dp0P5zEwL._AC_UL115_.jpg
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