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About hoosierxheart

  • Birthday 12/05/1971
  1. Thanks for the responses. I didn't even realize that a BFChart existed!
  2. Has anyone noticed where the best Xbox One Console Deal is?
  3. That's great, but in my experience with Target, their sales prices might make them even with Wal-Mart in terms of pricing.
  4. Walmart has the DSi for only $10 more. :)
  5. Anyone find any good deals today??
  6. I so happy someone else is happy with my posts! You all just made my day!!!
  7. GET THIS! I hadn't said anything to my son about Christmas today, but he was playing his Wii tonight and came in and asked me about Active Life, the proceeded to say he wanted it! THANK GOD for small little favors, like it being the Gold Box special!!! BOOYAH!!!!
  8. Sweet. I'm just lazy and shop online. LOL Makes it easier to sneak when the kids around.
  9. http://www.gamestop.com/Catalog/ProductDetails.aspx?product_id=75280 Regularly $39.99. Now $19.99. http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/51MLZ%2B5coKL._AA280_.jpg
  10. http://www.gamestop.com/Catalog/ProductDetails.aspx?product_id=75277 http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/51nkZGbtDTL._SS400_.jpg
  11. No Angelic....You're not mistaken. They had two deals: 2 for $20 & 2 for $30. They haven't done away with the 2 for $30, at least the last time I checked, but they have raised the price on the 2 for $20 games. I wasn't trying to be rude or mean. I just didn't know if anyone else had realized this or not. The games they are offering on the 2 for $25 deal are the same as the old $20 deal.
  12. Am I the only one who noticed they raised it to 2 for $25? It's used to be 2 for $20. BOOO Wal-Mart.
  13. Did you double check your reciept via email? It looks fine when ordered, but when I got my email reciept prices were at regular prices and it took the 15 off over the game discount which is worse.
  14. MY bad.....I was ordering just regular DJ Hero. Not the Renegade. Still a great deal if you want to go for just the DJ Hero.
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