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  1. I am looking for 1 too, I thought I snagged the 248 one from walmart.com but I got an OOS email
  2. gymboree 20% www.gymboree.com/tvoffer
  3. My girls have a ton of them, they love them :) My youngest is the most attached to hers. The cheapest Ive found them where at Costco for $16. the teeny ones I saw in a couple black friday ads I think are little keychains though. We have one of the smaller ones & we keep it in the car incase we are out and my yougest falls asleep it works well in a shopping cart lol
  4. Will be searching for the coffee tomorrow :) thanks for the pic!! We went to 2 different targets tonight still at 50! so at the first one I forgot to even look for it, 2nd I didn't see any... Called a 3rd & 4th store lol and they said they are still at 50 too... I was bummed lol one by dhs work was at 75 today he picked up- ###carters Christmas nightgown infant/toddler sizes w/ penguins 2.24 was 8.99 ###reeses candy canes @ .24 each ###gift tags @ .24 each ###over the knee snowflake w/fur socks $1.25 was $5. I need to get wrapping paper, he didn't want to pick that out lol, and other basics like tissue paper etc.. Also hoping to find some cake mix- (make great cheap cookies ) more socks, & a couple decorations... Hopeing the weather cooperates tomorrow for us to try again.
  5. Eeeek! Great find on the starbucks! I have to wait for my dh to get home from work before i can get out and check our stores.... Although I did have him check the target by work today and pick up a couple things.
  6. Stafford, va is still 50% called around to a couple others & they are still 50 too
  7. ### 030101347 Fisher Price Rainforest melodies & lights Delux Gym was $65.99 Now $32.98 50% off also had the Baby Einstein one for about $25, and saw some bouncy seats marked down as well
  8. you can use a 20% coupon with this sale! makes it almost as good as BF! They really know how to keep sucking me in LOL dd so does not need more clothes right now... but I just can't resist
  9. it is $59 everywhere for this one w/ the microphone, or you can get it for $39 without the microphone. I was planning on getting this one, so we will now have 2 microphones (got one w/ boogie awhile ago) since I read it has a duet mode. So basically this deal gets you the microphone for free
  10. this is a great deal- as I was going to buy it at full price lol- got 1& called SIL it was on her dd's list too
  11. artificial trees are included, just not the fresh cut ones got one Saturday, it was already marked down, then 25% off
  12. tell me more about that baby monitor... we need one
  13. 0r did you get the OJ ones??? geez I hope they haven't caught on LOL
  14. okay so it's been awhile since we've bought diapers- so I have totally forgotten what is a good price on them ??? I am due at the end of the month w/ # 2 and could really go any time- so I need to get a few packs LOL I want to get swaddlers in Newborn, like a regular size pack, and maybe a big box in size 1 (not that size 1/2 they sometimes have) I also liked the regular huggies with my other dd - other than that I never had much luck with other brands.. I was looking at diapers.com and with the $10 code I can basically get 256 (40 sz N, 216 sz1) swaddlers for $39.98- that works out to be .16 each- is that a good price? looks like if I had more time I could mail them some coupons to save a bit more... does anyone do this??
  15. a few deals we found today- sorry if they are repeats ### 249 200 004 casual chair $9.98 was 39xx - this is the pottery barn like pink childrens chair ### 097 040 411 DYR childrens white wooden desk $24.98 was $100 these where both items we have been watching, I got 2 of the chairs and plan to embroider my dd's names on them :) ETA we also got some college 08 stuff- washclothes, etc... and a sheet set... ### 062 23 0730 Sami Hayek queen sheet set $9.98 was $39.99 and found more MM LOL
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