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Posts posted by babsmac

  1. Collierville, TN Target was 90%. A fellow shopper told me she had been to several others close by and they were NOT 90% off. Lots of stuff left - lights, ornaments, wrap, gift bags, candy items, garland/trees. Scotch tape with $1.99 printed on it was in the regular aisle - both green and purple varieties - .19. Chocolate covered mint oreos .29 - reg aisle. Keebler holiday cookies .27 - reg aisle. Monopoly travel set - toy aisle - .99. Spent $31xx.

    I wonder if that means the Cordova, TN Targets are still 75%. I really don't feel like driving crosstown to Collierville.



  2. DS (5) wants a Game Boy like his big cousin. I will get him one if I can find him a good deal. Is there any sales going on right now or Friday. I don't know the difference between a GBA GBA SP, DS Lite. I am so confused. I saw the Game Stop Coupon for the $19.99 GBA is that a good deal. Is it out of date? Will I be able to find games. Please help a video game challenged Mamma out!!!!!



  3. I was in the car with my 2 toddlers, watching them pile stuff on the pallets to wrap. I saw the Bratz, Cabbage Patch, VSmile, Video game chairs, Big TVs and tons of other stuff, but nothing secret. The employees kept giving me dirty looks:)



  4. I was pricematching a couple of DVDs last year. At my Walmart all of the DVDs are in lock down and I didn't know if I was going to get an associate to get them out for me BF morning so I went the day before and got my two DVDs, found a GREAT hiding spot, stashed them and then picked them up at 3:00 am BF morning. Then I took my place by a pallet of Cabbage Patches:) Worked like a charm!



  5. I got there at 3 am last year and had plenty of time to gather price matching items, scope out the pallets, and make friends with people at other pallets. Then I stood firm by my Cabbage Patch, grabbed two, grabbed a nearby Noah's Ark, passed one Cabbage Patch to a lady who had snagged me a light saber, ran to electronics crawled under people and grabbed a portable DVD player and case and flew to the checkout. I was the first one there and was out of Walmart in 8 minutes. IT WAS A BLAST!!!



  6. I'll keep you posted if I hear about a retraction I won't tell you I will go so far as to watch and see if they air one. That would just be too much to ask:) Just kidding, I may actully watch just this one day to see if they say anything.



  7. Please don't think we are all idiots in Memphis!! This guy is a total goob and we have been making fun of him for YEARS. He used to review home products and tell you if they were worth the money. Now he got too big for his britches and just makes up crap. This station has some major envy for the real news station in town and is always coming up with these type of sensational stories. I don't ever watch it so I didn't actually see it on the news.


    Mugs, please write an email or tell Brad to sue. The whole town would be grateful if you got him off the air.


    I have been telling all my friends and family how wonderful the site is. That is why my MIL sent me the link, she thought she was "saving" me.

  8. My MIL sent me this yesterday:

    Click on "Gottadeal.com Is Nottadeal.com"






    This was my reply to MIL:

    I'm not really sure what this story is talking about. The whole story has so many inaccuracys, yet another reason I don't watch any news but Channel 5. All the prices for things I'm looking at were right in the early ads after I saw the actual ads (Walmart). I talked to a manager at Walmart yesterday (I was asking what time I should get there) and she said that they knew their ads were leaked to a competior so they printed a special flyer just yesterday and lowered the prices even more on some items. That may be why there are some price differences. Since I'm sure that reporter didn't go the site before yesterday, so I don't think he knows what he is talking about.




  9. What about other items like toys? I have never done the doorbusters before (I usually go later in the morning), but I am planning on going early to WM this year. Are the toys on the shelves only or do they put them up by the door, on the endcaps in large quantity?? I am looking to get a Cabbage Patch, some Little People stuff and maybe the light saber. I also maybe getting the DVR. My cousin will be going with me (just to help me) so I don't know if I will send her directly to toys or electronics. I also don't know what time to get there. Our WM is 24 hours, so do I get there at 5 or 6 ? Do I wait in line or do they let you in earlier? I am clueless?



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