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  1. So going through the link from gottadeal was the reason some couldn't check out? I sat for hours with the "updating..." running on my cart night before last and gave up, left it run and went to sleep for 3 hours before putting a turkey in the oven yesterday. It was still updating even after refreshing. Makes me remember how walmart threatened legal action for posting their precious ad early and now they wouldn't let gottadealers checkout like the rest??? Wonderful holiday spirit from walmart...I liked the rant above and feel the same. Walmart knows how terrible the economy is and the few good deals they had were just to get us in the door because you spend more in the store standing around and waiting adding things to your cart but online you are less likely to buy all the extra junk. Well played.
  2. The codes didn't work but the prices in my cart updated when I got home from Walmart tonight. Order is placed and waiting for notification of shipment. I tried Thanks, Turkeyday and 15%off codes and nothing would work with the new prices Still got free shipping since my order was over $50.
  3. All of my items have shipped now except for the step2 green wagon I ordered and had shipped to my daughter's address. Still waiting for notification on that shipping out.
  4. Braved the store a bit ago. Put hubby in line with a ticket for the 32" Emerson for $148. He was number 17 and we did get the tv. We wanted the 40" for $198 but they had a line at 7pm already and I asked and was told they had 25 of those. After a quick headcount of the line I said forget that. 55 people were already in line for those 25 tvs. Doesn't seem right that they don't tell them they will not have enough so don't bother. Oh well, keeps people out of my way. So we got the 32" emerson tv, LG Blue-ray player, several DVDs and BluRays, rubermaid bowl set, 2 of the recipe tins, jeans, pj pants, 2 of the laptop mouses, big packs of tanks, undies, and t-shirts. There was no chance if you were not right on top of the sheet sets. The Wii's were still in good supply even after 10pm. I saw a lot of other stuff still available too. I am very dissappointed with the online sale this year from Walmart.
  5. Went to bed after 3am and my cart still wouldn't proceed to checkout. Sad this morning but knew it would happen...movies in cart are all sold out and still no good sales from walmart.com. Really nice that things suddenly are "in stores only" when they were online a couple hours ago. Ugh..this explains why people are so mean in Walmart stores on BF! I know I'm not going to be very nice tonight when I have to head out to get my son a TV. I'm not even one of the people looking for a huge tv...just the 32 or the 40" with 1080p would be my victory item. Turkey is in, hubby is home from the road as a surprise so I'm going back to bed! Boo Walmart.
  6. Happy Thanksgiving!
  7. I think they crashed. I got through right at midnight with all of my items in my premade cart but now upon further exploring the site for more deals, they are all back to the pre-sale price. I have refreshed and even gone back to items that I already checked out at the BF price and they are raised back to the regular or old sale price, not the BF prices. Hmmm...
  8. Lord knows I can't live another 15 years without a griddle, LOL!
  9. So far the griddle is the only thing that has shipped from my order.
  10. Hey, anyone notice that the walmart page says on the Pre-Black Friday Sale banner "ENDS TODAY!"? I think that is confirmation of Brad's predictions Y-E-S!
  11. Looks like I have the advantage since there will be no turkey for me tomorrow. Hubby is on the road till the weekend so our turkey has to wait till Sunday. I can sleep in
  12. It seems like last year, and it may or may not have been walmart since I shopped everything online and in the store (yeah, I shopped from my phone while waiting in line at the actual stores-it is an addiction), I remember things saying in print that they were "in store only" but they were online too. Wish my memory was better on who it was. I know I bought the PS3 bundle from gamestop.com last year and I bought tons of movies and games, a pan set, a sweeper, and a bunch of odds and ends online and I certainly wouldn't have paid more than the store price for anything online. Sorry...I am rambling now.
  13. Does anyone know why on the GD online BF tracker page the number of deals now available for Kohls has gone down and now is going up again? I would guess cancelled orders would play a role in this as well as sold out items but I wondered if they were adding things or substituting anything good that was sold out. Anybody?
  14. Finally got thought check out. I have to say this was nearly as bad as waiting 3 hours in a line in the hot store like I did 2 years ago. Ugh Kohls needs to get it together!
  15. By the time I get "let in" everything I want will be out of stock. This is stupid.
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