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  1. Go to the old one! Hanging out with friends is better than saving time on the drive... especially if its cold or rainy!
  2. My list includes a netbook and a touch for my wife. We might get a new camera too, but that's only if they are giving them away.
  3. My guess is a $400 42 inch lcd and a $149 netbook. Other than that, Blu-Ray and other misc electronics will be big. I think WM will be really competitive this year, and that will make BB nervous. I agree with Taz too, I find Staples to be a lot more lucrative for me, mostly because I don't have to show up 12 hours early.
  4. I was able to buy the 360 arcade bundle online- do you think they will cancel my order?
  5. I was able to land the xbox package with hard drive and controller today- very good deal!
  6. The amount of registers at each store bring a tear to my eye- it reminds me of shopping at hypermarkets around the world. My BB has no more than 8 (sigh)
  7. I had this problem last year... I was in NJ and they had the tv's, but the WB, PA stores didn't. Looks like they vary by location again this year. The good news is that most of the stores have the same small things on sale, just not the bigger ones.
  8. These stores don't have anything iIwould wait in line for the next 3 days. To say you were in the front of the line though at one of these stores is pretty cool. Just glad it isnt me!
  9. I had the same issue with the washer and dryer- wouldn't discount for me.
  10. Not a bad ad... never been to one on Black Friday; are they a mob scene?
  11. Based on this info, I think they are going to own Christmas shopping this year. I wonder if Target is going to improve their electronics selection? So far, CC looks like #1, and Walmart #2. BB is a distant #3.
  12. I wonder if they have more to offer... if not, i think Walmart is going to destroy them. This ad doesnt warrant standing outside for 5 minutes. Maybe they have a laptop in the $200 range, and a brand name 42 inch for $600. We shall see.
  13. nice deal on the laptop... definitely worth considering.
  14. Which is better- Guitar Hero or Rock Band?
  15. I bet they end up with an even cheaper laptop. Since they just came out with a $300 one, I think they will hit a $200 or $250 mark.
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