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  1. Just in case there is anyone out there like me that was wondering about the Lifeway Christian Stores Black Friday ad, I got it in the mail today. This is always one of my stops so I was waiting on this one. Opening at 7am. I posted a thread about it but it was deleted, why I don't know, so I'll try posting this here.
  2. http://connect.walmart.com/feature/?_prevTerm=price+match&_sc=0&search_redirect=true
  3. My son is small, 44 inches and 39 pounds at 6 years old. And my oldest daughter is a girly girl. I think we are going to wait until next year and get the girls one for Christmas as their big gift. By then my son will be absolutely too big. Thanks!!
  4. I really want that Barbie Power Wheels. My husband thinks we should get a gender neutral one since we have a son that is 6. But I say he's getting kind of old for it and we have 2 girls, 4 and 18 months. What do you think? Is it a good deal? This is something I wanted as a child but never got so it has special meaning for me.
  5. I've been wanting a Cricut for a couple of years but I don't know much about them. I don't scrapbook, yet, but I do a lot of posters and signs and it would be great to not have to cut out a bunch of letters. Is this one good for that? Would it be better to get the one at Michaels, the Cricut v2 for $200, regular $400? The only problem is I might not be able to make it to Michaels when they open at 4pm on Thanksgiving. If this one is discontinued can you still get cartridges for it? Thanks!!
  6. Maybe we just got bad ones. The first lasted 6 months the second only 3 months. We had a ton of games and the vsmile system so I just sold the system with the games for $30. But if we still had the games I might would consider getting it for only $20. And I do agree that the Leapster is miles better. My son's has been dropped out of the car on the cement, spilled water on, gets dropped out on the floor daily and still works after 2 years. Love it! We are getting the Leap pad since I've been so impressed with the durability of Leap Frog products.
  7. We had 2 of the vsmile pockets. They were complete junk. I haven't seen these sold in stores in a couple of years and vtech doesn't even sell them on their website. Just an FYI.
  8. Is there no $10 gift card this year or did I miss it? I'm driving and can't go back through the ad.
  9. All Halloween food items including the Frito-lay chips, oreos, cookie mix, etc was only 30% off in Williamsburg, VA. Very disappointed. First time this has ever happened. I did get a bunch of paper towels, plates and solo cups for this girls program I run. And a Halloween Barbie!!
  10. Well since I'm 95% sure that they will get marked down tomorrow I will be there at 8:00 and stay until I pick up my son from preschool if I have to. On a good day I can spend an hour in the store just shopping so I'll wander around, maybe go grab some breakfast at Chick-fil-a (it's right in front of Target), wander some more. But usually they will have at least started marking down by 10:00am at the stores I go to.
  11. Toys went 75% off at the store that always goes on Wednesdays. I was there at 9:30 and there was no activity, I got back at 11 and the shelves were almost bare. Courtsey of a very greedy couple who bought a pallet worth and 5 carts and was still shopping when I got there. They were pulling 4 and 5 of each item and loading up the 3 carts they still had. I'm sure I'll see all of it again on craigslist, ebay or the local flea market.
  12. Got a 9 ft tree today, regular $350 down to $87.50. Picked up a few other things but nothing special.
  13. Anyone in check the NN or Williamsburg, VA stores?
  14. SO jealous! We have about 5 inches of snow and more is coming. There's no way I can make it to Target today.
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