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  1. Thanks Kreepy. At least we know what the items will be.
  2. The current generation is squarer and has a larger screen. The 4GB runs $150 and the 8GB runs around $200. The biggests sales I have found were only a few $ off. The previous nanos were more rectangular and not as wide. No one will complain with either version, if they do take it back and use it yourself. I have only heard good things about apple's refurbished stuff.
  3. This is the previous generation ipod. I keep waiting for the latest version to hit the refurbished store. I have been told if you check very early in the morning you will sometimes find the latest ipod model and iphones for sale.
  4. Awesome. Only the blue was available. Came to $53.36 with tax. I used promotion EXTEND2 to get free shipping. The coupon was supposed to expire yesterday, but it still worked.
  5. Thanks for the post. I am printing out for myself and mother. More Christmas shopping!
  6. I agree with a lot other people. The deals this year did not seem as good as last, but I still made out like a bandit. My biggies were a garmin nuvi 200 from best buy for $169. We made a haul from Belk department store. Lots of clothes, some housewares, and even some toys. My final total was $148 (had an additional 20% coupon) the receipt printout said we saved over $280.
  7. Thanks for posting. I was able to order 2 using 2 different emails, but same cc. 1 for a gift and 1 for me. :) Each was $6.99! I created a new screenname just for this, my ISP allows up to 7 emails and we are only using 3.
  8. Just got an email today. Free shipping orders over $49 from jcp.com with code 45BSOTS Enjoy. http://www.jcp.com
  9. I don't know if anyone has noticed, but different Targets have different items on clearance. I found a couple Air Hogs radio controlled helicopters at the small older store on clearance for $3.74 down from $14.99. I wanted another for the 3rd nephew, checked at the 2 local SuperTargets and the toys were full priced. I asked and the associate told me the smaller stores have to clear out their stock before the larger stores. So more clearance items sooner at the smaller stores.
  10. I had not thought of looking at JCPenney for toys, but there are some good deals. Thanks for posting.
  11. GREAT! Thanks for the notice.
  12. Linens-n-things has one for $25. You can use a 20% off coupon to bring it down to $20. There are some posted in the other forums. Keep in mind LNT accepts Bed, Bath, & Beyond coupons too.
  13. Thanks. Having turkey for Thanksgiving, but this will be great for a Christmas ham since the coupon expires 12/31.
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