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  1. In past years I remember seeing some pretty big sales, or combos around the holidays. I'm not seeing any, or am I missing it?
  2. Super easy and they didn't clear my cart at the start. Same thing with the throws, it kept changing what was available.
  3. Got the few things I was looking for except for one - the price wasn't any lower on their site compared to the ad.
  4. Finally got through - was refreshing on my phone and laptop. Finally got through on my phone
  5. How are you price matching on Amazon?
  6. What time does this start?
  7. Do they normally offer this stuff online too?
  8. Any idea what time the sale starts and good coupon codes?
  9. They don't have any sheets. I usually get my 1000 count sheets from Kohl's but dont set any this year
  10. Done!
  11. I wonder if this is online too
  12. I think you can. I've never heard of a restocking fee there
  13. They will give you a 10 off 30 when you get there
  14. My Walmart was a disaster and they were letting people check out early, so I didn't get what my dad wanted, but actually ordered it online at best buy. They did however price match the nexus 32g for me from an online add for $30 cheaper, so that was good. Checked out in electronics bc I was getting 2 tablets and pjs and it was quick. Only had to wait maybe 10 minutes. Line went quick. I don't have a T-shirt
  15. Dh and I were 198 and 199 at TRU. We got what we needed there then headed to Walmart. Checked out in electronics and they were also honoring prices for later sales which pissed me off. When we left there the TRU line was still wrapped around the building
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