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Posts posted by KatieMill

  1. WalMart will have these same prices on BlackFriday.  Best Buy and Target also will have the Hero3Silver for a deal.  I believe that Walmart.com has already sold out of these GoPros at the above mentioned deal for this week.  You can still try.  These prices are the best that I've seen them--and I don't suspect it will be any lower than this after Black Friday.

  2. I'm not sure either!  Sorry.  I couldn't decide between the White or the Silver...and eventually decided to go with the White and use the difference to buy accessories.  From my inexperienced eyes, it looks like the differences in the cameras are on the options for either lens capability or more things you can do editing-wise.  This is gift for my daughter...so in the end, I went with the White. 

    • Like 1
  3. GoPro 3 Silver $299 w/$50 Gift card and Free Shipping


    GoPro 3 White $199w/$50 Gift card and Free shipping.


    I just purchased mine!  Great deal without the Thanksgiving shopping hustle!  Search the page for GoPro and keep looking until you find the option w/$50 gift card.  There are several options with free gift cards for either $20. $25, or $50 on the GP White.  I almost missed the $50 offer!





  4. I just purchased the GoPro 3 White for $199 with $50 gift card at Walmart.com and free shipping.  The Silver also can be found for $299 with $50 gift card and free shipping today.  Do a search once you get on walmart.com for GoPro....and scroll thru all the options.  There are several different gift card options for the GP White.  I was looking at accessories and accidentally saw the option with $50 gift card...and I already had the White with $25 gift card in my cart!  I went back and changed, of course!

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  5. I looked just 2 hrs ago @ Walmart...and it was out of stock. Saw this post above, went, and ordered it for $10. Same thing happened earlier in the day with marioKart. I missed out on the Amazon deal @ $24.96, tried Walmart and it was out of stock, looked 2 hrs ago...and suddenly it was back in stock @ $24.96, no Phineas and Ferb at that time. Doesn't matter to me if I have to check and recheck...I just like the deal (and need the deal more than liking one!)
  6. OUr Walmart had PLENTY of Dsi's last year. I went, was first in line for 3 hrs at the DS location....got mine at 5 am, went on to other things....and even the next day they had some still available. I think they've been out so long...that while that is still a GREAT price...and hoping to score one again this year...it isn't the hottest ticket there this year. Hope you get one!
  7. I have been looking around for something for my 6 yr old...who surprised us one day asking for her own camera? We've had the kid camera in the past...which served it's main purpose of looking cute, being a kid camera, and it was indestructible. For us...I've been looking at reviews and such...and wanted something pretty uncomplicated for her...as even if we purchase a lower-priced camera...she doesn't need all the options...and if we get one with alot of options...it has the potential to "go into" an option she doesn't know how to use, and then of course, Mom has to fix it.


    We ultimately decided on a Kodak $59 camera from Toys R Us online. At our local store, they did not have it instore. Several parents gave it good/great reviews on the TRU website...and I think it will be simple enough for her to use. I see that there are cameras with more capabilities on sale this season...BUT, for reasons specified above, we wanted something more simple. It has a case with it and 2 rechargeable batteries, I believe. Haven't rec'd it yet...but it's on its way. Several of the reviewers had 6-7 yr olds...so I believe this will be a good fit for us.


    I've had 3 Kodaks in the past. We don't want to spend mega-bucks on a camera...as we are on the go alot..and don't want to carry something heavy or expensive into amusement parks, water parks, rivers, etc. If something happens to a camera we spent less than $100 for, I won't croak! I've been pleased with all our Kodaks. WE've upgraded twice...and one camera had a shutter problem after almost 2 yrs use. We felt it cheaper and less hassle to purchase another one rather than try to get it fixed.

  8. I ditto the above...appreciate this site...and how it enables me to save a buck. I trust this site and have been coming here throughout the years...and especially at Black Friday time for about 4 years now. I do check a couple of other sites during the year as I need promotional codes, etc....but even having seen the Walmart scan on the aforementioned site...that site won't be my mainstay. Gottadeal is!
  9. Look up Tangle or Tangle Jr. These are great! We have several autistic children in our family and they love these. Not huge on education..but do help their attention span as they have something to fiddle with, even at schoool, while they are trying to listen. Textured letters or blocks would be good for his age. Really loud things are usually no-nos. Try for books or even videos of things he loves...such as books about different types of transportation, videos of Firetrucks/ Construction trucks, etc. Anything that interests him...items regarding those interests will keep his attention and help him learn.
  10. We arrived at our smalltown store about 7:45 expecting a line for the tvs and computer. No one! We looked around, and asked about the iTunes cards...people were nice, but looked at me like I was nuts! Hubs was with me so we could buy 2 each...I finally said, let's see what it rings up (it was after 8 am by this time) and if I need to, I'll go home and print the ad to show you. When they scanned it in, it rang up $35! They were shocked!!! I told them that I hadn't told anyone yet...because I needed alot, but I was about to go text all my friends. I called one friend to tell her for her g'daughter...and mentiioned the laptop sale...she drove right down there. She had to tell them about the sale, they went in the back and found the laptops! None had been sold at that point in the store and it was past 9:30. She was first one that had asked. None of the employees knew about the sales...but were very friendly and accommodating to help figure things out!
  11. My 5 yr old got an Ipod Nano last year for Cmas. She likes to listen to music, she is responsible, and she's kept up with all year..not even a scratch. I downloaded the music onto it that she liked from my Ipod...and put some of her music, little kid stuff and Hannah Montana, songs on there. We are of the Christian faith, and I put alot of kid Christian songs...and worship songs on there as well that we enjoy together in the car. We take many trips...and it's been good for her to have her music, etc. We specifically decided upon the Nano instead of a shuffle...because of the pics.


    I would not let her have one with picture or internet. The one we purchased had just been marked down some because the new Nano's were out.


    When reading this thread, remember that there are Ipods and Ipod Touch. Touch does WAY more than the Ipod alone! Especially older Ipods.

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