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Everything posted by gbrown420

  1. Where on the east coast are you? You should try Lord and Taylor, Bloomingdales and Neiman Marcus.
  2. I just got an email from them saying they are sold out of the 2 pairs I ordered yesterday. What a bummer!
  3. It is 14.99 on amazon http://www.amazon.com/Smarty-Pants-Trivia-Everyone-Nintendo-Wii/dp/B000UUWHS8/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1228161050&sr=8-1
  4. Thanks, I will give them a try.
  5. Anyone know of any recent deals on the Disney Mix Clips?? Thanks!
  6. How about this one? Not stainless though.... http://www.containerstore.com/browse/Product.jhtml?CATID=223&PRODID=64309&searchId=8359807&itemIndex=10
  7. I just ordered one from toysrus.com 59.99 with free shipping. I did the google checkout and saved another 10.00. Grand total with tax a little over 53.00
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