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  1. Thanks ..just placed my order
  2. I just got the Samsung Tab A and love it. I had an IPad 2nd gen that I hardly used because I hated it. Yes, I paid 149 for the Samsung on sale in Bestbuy
  3. I left Sprint for that very reason. I switched to T-Mobile. Purchased my phone, cheaper rates and no contract. Yet they are now one company. I want to add, I had been with Sprint since 1997 too. Every time I purchased a new phone, even if not from them, they started a new 2 yr contract on me.
  4. Walmart website not working for me...urgh! Cannot add anything to my cart
  5. My Elsa is now marked as shipped
  6. anna says shipped and arrival date 12/7. Now Elsa says processing and expected arrival date 12/7. Makes no sense. I just hope they deliver both. They have only charged me for Anna.
  7. I just checked my order. Anna is being shipped today, no word on Elsa other than it's ordered.
  8. Hmmm maybe sold out online? I know when I ordered said they weren't available in store but they are with the 20% off coupon code text to your phone. I went to Target before.
  9. Yeah with tax mine was $67 and change. My tax must be higher lol My granddaughter is just going to be 2 and I know recommended age is 3, but going to let my daughter decide on when I should give to her. For that price, I will hold onto them for her.
  10. My size Elsa or Anna with free shipping today $40, then use code TOYS for an additional 20% o ff. They are normally 59.99 each. I just got both for $64. http://m.target.com/p/disney-frozen-my-size-elsa-doll/-/A-15423849 http://m.target.com/p/disney-frozen-my-size-anna-doll/-/A-15423850
  11. I considered this deal but Sam's Club has a 290 watt for $139 so I'm going with that
  12. Crashed again
  13. not a happy camper with BB right now. I have to go into the store for the $99 Iphone upgrade deal...that will take forever! I don't understand why they don't do the upgrades online. They did last year
  14. I purchased 2 I-pad mini's and only rec'd one e-gift card.. I called them today and they said when I pick up my I-pads (today) they will email me the other????? hmmm that is not what their order tracking stated. That stated that they were emailing it the day it was shipped out (just as other was). Which they never did email out. One of my TV's is in yet I never got an email telling me, I only found out when I called the store today to verify that the I-pads were in fact there for pick up. Their entire system is messed up! I had another TV delivered to my sister's house and there is no word on that, so when I called the 800 number, they assured me "all" 1 hour guarantee's would be in stores by Sunday regarless what online order status states. We shall see
  15. seems all I am checking are in store only... ???? Gators, Yankees, Mets???? I wonder since they are so cheap, they are all instore only? Nope found some Dolphins that are online
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