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  1. There is a new website called Reviewsio where you get Amazon products for free for your honest review of them. Sign up here: https://reviewsio.com/register?mref=adegothseir
  2. "Snap by Groupon" app has a $2 rebate for 4 types of wipes, limit 2 per type. They are $1.98 at Walmart making them free! Rebates are limited so go out and get them ASAP. If you are new to "Snap", please use my referral code: http://bit.ly/1sGGEk4
  3. Awesome! Thanks.
  4. Right now you can score a $5.00 off $10.00 Hallmark Coupon good at any Hallmark Gold Crown Store! Just head on over and ‘Like’ the Hallmark Facebook page, then select the ‘Special Offers’ tab to print your coupon. https://www.facebook.com/HALLMARK?sk=app_160552987369443 {may not print in Firefox, only 35,000 coupons are available, valid through 11/13}
  5. I went to Toys R Us today and grabbed 2 Lego Cases. The lady rung them both up in the same transaction and took the coupon (which I brought up on my phone via the GottaDeal app) and both came up .50 like they were supposed to. So I guess if you get the right lady, you can ring several up together. Thanks guys!
  6. I was just there over the weekend and toys r us had the transformer figures on sale for 2 for $18. I used two $5 off coupons and toys r us emailed me a $3 of any purchase coupon so I got figures for $5.
  7. When I right click and open it in a new tab, it works.
  8. Here is a coupon for $5 off your total Transformers Dark of the Moon toy purchase of $5.99 or more from Hasbro: http://bricks.coupons.com/Start.asp?tqnm=yjttbbe23358401&bt=vg&o=93846&pt=&lang=&ws=&ct=&ci=&cl=&cp=&eb=&c=TF&p=5765518&z=&r=&pc=&tc=
  9. Just wanted to let you guys know about the promo info: The following has been applied to your order: - Promo Code: RD50%PLUS, Enjoy 50% off your highest priced item and free shipping no minimum 50% discount applies to merchandise only does not include shipping handlingor taxesor taxes. Not useable for cash. Not valid for prior purchasescharges or the purchase of gift cards or e-gift cards. Can not be used for home and kitchen items purchased on OneStopPlus.com. One offer per purchase. Adjustments cannot be processed for previous orders. Offer ends midnight 12/1/09 It is not valid on Home and Kitchen items. Figures, just what I wanted to buy. And I spend an hour looking at things.
  10. I just got 2 PSP Cradle Docking Stations for $1.30. What a great deal. Thanks. Here is the item: http://www.skymall.com/shopping/detail.htm?pid=102859507&c=10360. It is $1.99.
  11. What walmart? Where are you located?
  12. Do you need a Meijer coupon for this deal?
  13. Where is Aldi's. I'm in florida but I know someone who lives in Ohio, if that is where it is.
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