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  1. Here in Memphis & Horn Lake: Golden Tee & Konami -$99 - Got them both! Danby 4.3 Cu Ft. Fridge (072-01-0027) $37, down from $149!
  2. Boppy Breast Feeding Pillow - 8.54 Cougar X-Cat Girl's Club Set - 9.98 (75%)
  3. liquidation.com is not something you want to use if you just want a few items. the cost have freight shipped to WY from NJ would be enormous, no matter who you use. especially if it's going to a residence & not a business (warehouse + loading dock).
  4. liquidation.com shipping is very expensive, and you usually need to have the ability to unload a semi trailer. So unless you have a loading dock + pallet jack + forklift + large warehouse, I would forget it.
  5. Memphis Targets - No more iPod HiFis - they were at 50%.
  6. Wolfchase, and none left there, in regards to the Wine Coolers
  7. Emerson 8 bottle Wine Fridge, 19.98 (Down from $79.98), in Memphis
  8. JBL Creature 2 speaker sets, 24.98 (75% off) in Memphis. I bought 5.
  9. My deals over the past two days: Greatland Knife & MultiTool Set: 4.50 Harry Potter Fly Pen Book: 2.50 & Target Red Fly Pen, New In Box, No Shelf Wear: $12.50
  10. Judt bought it. Yay!
  11. "as-is" is never at the price it should be at my Targets
  12. There hasn't been a Target Red K-TC in stock in Memphis since early November, so I would imagine they're telling the truth.
  13. I'm ready for the "packaged gifts" (sudoku game, led keychains, etc) to go. Last year they all came down to 90% off 3 weeks into January
  14. Anybody have any luck on the Gibson instruments yet? I'm waiting for 50% off.
  15. Layaway is the past, get a credit card.
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