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Everything posted by golf2much

  1. 7:00am on Thanksgiving day and all the iPad Air's are gone online. 200 miles to the closest Target. Guess I won't be getting one!
  2. I must have gotten lucky as I got both codes to work. My monitor arrives Monday. I can't wait!
  3. I have had this monitor for about two or three months and I must say it is great. Having the 5 extra inches of monitor (compared to my 14 inch, wide screen Dell laptop) makes a huge difference. I thought I got a good deal at $189 (plus a $20 rebate), but this deal is even better. I would just make sure that your PC/laptop graphics had the corresponding resolutions to take full advantage of this very nice monitor. My Dell had the 1440 by 900 resolution already, so literally it was "plug and play." If I needed another one, I would not hesitate getting purchasing it again! Golf2Much
  4. The store manager indicated that each coupon has a unique code. In the link above it's: "Coupon Code: 9766229622678662". It has to be tied somehow into the bar code because after the cashier scanned the coupon and it came up on the terminal that it already had been used. It seems strange that each coupon can only be used once, but that's the story I got. Cheers, golf2much (just ask my wife)
  5. I just got back from a Staples in Rochester, NY and tried to use the coupon. The manager came over and said it already had been used and they would not honor it. Bummer!
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