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  1. I got the 40" tv for my son for $100. I'm sure it isn't a stellar tv, but it fits the bill. Plus 2 candles and Connect Four. Whittling down Christmas lists as we go.
  2. I love 50% off coupons! Adding this to my Christmas cupboard!
  3. Thanks! I had missed this when searching Amazon for deals this morning! I was going to keep the gift card, but I got my dad a Prime Membership for his birthday so an Amazon gift card makes sense for a Christmas gift for him and he's REALLY hard to shop for.
  4. Perfect, I'm putting together some Father's Day gift baskets, this will go perfectly!
  5. I started black friday shopping with my mom when I was in high school. I graduated in 94. We used to go to Staples as it was the only store in our town that we cared about and it had a free thing with rebate each year, such as a scanner, a printer, etc... When my kids were small and my budget was smaller, Black Friday allowed me to provide a holiday they otherwise wouldn't get. I was even above the fold on the newspaper one year with my arms loaded with Children's Place bags at the mall around midnight on Thanskgiving. This year my youngest is 11. I am sitting in my bed looking through all the ads yet again, seeing if I missed anything I want. I got everything online except some jammie pants at Gordmans that my granddaughter would enjoy because they have my dog on them. Most of what I bought online today was for me too! I am not complaining that it is different, I am simply acknolwedging that it is different. A lot of the difference comes from my life being different and my needs having changed.
  6. Every year I buy a years supply of Bed Head shampoo and conditioner. I was running low so I have been anxiously awaiting this sale!!! I was relieved to see they still had that on sale again. I was looking for several other things that weren't on sale, though I did pick up a few fun things. I got the BOGO face masks to slip in Christmas stockings. I have 4 boys so they're definitely not expecting face masks but I could use the laugh of seeing them all wear them! The $3.50 coupon did work.
  7. I live in Des Moines, Iowa but just found out I'll be over by the Quad Cities (IA/IL) this year. The small town I'll be in will only have a WalMart and Menards so will likely be driving the 30-45 minutes to Davenport. I'm not happy as I don't know my way around there as well! I was truly surprised my shopping doesn't play into people's planning of Thanksgiving here! :)
  8. I have this same set, but in blue and I am actually quite pleased with them, but bought them in person.
  9. It should come with actual cash, not fake money!
  10. Oh I can see it now... who can blow above .2 first? Oh boy. I am not ready for mine to grow up. Eldest is 10 right now.
  11. If my kids were older, I'd be all on that! Oh my poor boys... Mommy was to naughty and knows what all they can be into!
  12. Its back in stockm but now $49.99 I am so annoyed by Amazon's price changes!
  13. I started at midnight at a local mall. It was very busy and Gymboree was a joke. There were such rude people getting their hold bags brought up and holding up line. There were 2 coats. 2. Guess who got them I did have my extra 20% off coupon. Then I went to The Chilren's Place and got a ton of stuff. I attracted the attention of a local reporter/photographer there and made the newspaper (gave gottadeal.com its props!!!) http://www.desmoinesregister.com/apps/pbcs.dll/gallery?Site=D2&Date=20081128&Category=NEWS&ArtNo=811280801&Ref=PH&Params=Itemnr=1 (Thats me on pic 1, and 4 more pics...) and there was an article http://www.desmoinesregister.com/article/20081128/NEWS/81128002 After that we went to WalMart, TRU, Menards, Kohls, Target, Michaels, and another WalMart. I did just over $285 in price adjustments (That is what I got back) and was so surprised at how well it went. WM was a mess and so frustrating. They had 10 wii games, not 10 titles, 10 games total. I had a good time in general, there were some great people and some embarrasing excuses for people... probably the same everywhere. Overall a great experience, but I was in stores for 10.5 hours straight and I am exhausted!
  14. Wow, that is quite a list! You know there isn't any one big thing that I want this year but there are lots of little things!!! I want Brain Age for my ds on Wii... I wonder if I just take my laptop out to the car if the wireless will work that far so my kids don't try to get online or interupt my shopping Friday when I get home!!!
  15. I haven't seen anything worth it to me, for what I am looking for, to stand in line. That being said, I have a hard time waking up early in the morning, so I am going to a mall that opens at midnight on Friday morning. I can hit a lot of stores, they have lots going on, and it is WARM. Then I can go to WM, Kohls, Target, and Menards after that... I think it may be an experience to camp out, but it is just so darn cold here so it isn't worth it to me. But would I do it in the spring for the right deal? You bet!!! I have to second (or third) the thought that not everyone spends Thanksgiving with their families. Since my mom died this year none of us want to get together since this was her thing. Sister is taking her kids to Florida, brother is going to his wives family, etc... Unfortunately for me though, that means I have to go to In-laws. I HATE family gatherings and would prefer to stand in line compared to going around relatives that don't bother to call, write, etc... but expect you to show up once a year etc... (My scrooge is coming out isn't it...)
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