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  1. Thanks! We had them tonight. :) No signage at all except a little tiny 2 next to the CCC and MM on the menu board
  2. I sincerely hope that you have better luck with yours than we did with ours last year. We got maybe 3 marshmallows out before it jammed, and then jammed over and over, and wouldn't get a good seal to be able to shoot the marshmallows. Sorry to be a downer, but I thought you might like to know in advance.
  3. So sorry! I thought I had posted leapfrog.com in the thread title, not just Leapfrog systems. I had bad insomnia, and my brain was 1/10 strength at best, lol.
  4. All Leapster games are 25% off, Leap Pad and Little Touch books are 3.90 each! LOTS more is on sale than that, though. The systems, the Fly thing, etc. Free shipping code is HL7PA. Also, I ended up with a Code Word Caper video in my cart for free (I didn't add it).
  5. I am currently signed up with Bestmark, but looking to sign with a 2nd or 3rd. Any recommendations?
  6. I'm almost completely done now (my husband does have one tech gift to buy for my il's that I can't pick out) including stocking stuffers AND 12 days of christmas gifts. The kicker is that they are also about 80% wrapped. I have a few things still to wrap, 1 thing still in the mail, and the non-giftbag presents will need bows. Other than that, I am DONE! This must be some kind of sickness, lol. Now, I will still do a little BF shopping, because both dh and dd have birthdays within the 6 weeks after Christmas, so I have now moved on to birthday shopping (I already have some stuff for ds' bday in May, too.
  7. NO offense intended to OP whatsoever! I was just adding a bit of info that I found for anyone who was interested in that particular item. Please don't think I meant that YOU were disingenuous. So sorry if that's how it sounded.
  8. I went to the Learning Advantage website to look at the price for the Launch Pad system. It is sold for 350.00, NOT 900.00! I'm not saying that $99 isn't a great price still, but saying it is 800.00 off seems a bit disingenuous. Just FYI.
  9. probably $25 will be my max. I know it's not a lot, but it will be 25 more than he would have gotten, right?
  10. I should mention that we don't have a lot extra this year, as my husband is our sole income, is about to have 2 surgeries, and doesn't get sick time. I just wanted to get this boy something just for him. There are some good ideas here, though. I didn't know if 10 was too old for Legos or Bionicles, etc. Any other ideas would still be appreciated, tho.
  11. This boy has like 2 toys or posessions that aren't absolute needs. I would like to get him something for Christmas. It can't be something that would require a lot of batteries or extra add-ons, etc. What would be something fun and just for him? Oh, I have never met him (know about him through a friend) and don't know his interests at all. Thanks!
  12. I don't want to get her a cheapie one, but not too much either. Where do you think I should go? She rides her bike every day now, and definitely does NOT want it to look "little girl"ish, etc. I don't even know what a good deal would be, as I have not bought a bike in ages. Thanks!
  13. ROFL, threekids! Um... yeah, that seems a TAD steep. Glad it went back down for ya.
  14. www.hasbrotoyshop.com/ProductsByCategory.htm?CD=100&ID=17960&PG=4 I can't do links yet, but that's the item. It comes with a LOT of play-doh. The cases are comprised of 10 2 oz. cans each, but it also comes with more just with the table itself. The table is 29.99, and they have free shipping with a $50 purchase.
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