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Everything posted by billyhix

  1. That's not the same pair. Different model numbers. The $998 pair is a 4.0 cf washer and 7.3 cf dryer.
  2. I looked at the Maytag model at Lowes last night and inside each was a decal that said they were designed, engineering and built in America, although I guess technically Mexico is in North America. Lowes said if I brought in a HD ad they would price match and give the 10% difference. Anyone know if I took a 10% off coupon if it would stack? The 5 yr service plan is an additional $159. The Sears 3 year service plan is over $300. Of course I am going to let my wife decide as if momma isn't happy then no one's happy.
  3. Will Sears PM and give an additional 10% off the Maytag WD set in the HD ad? According to their website they have the exact same model number as HD, MHWE300VW and MEDE300VW. If they give an extra 10% off the set would be $900.
  4. My old RCA is a 1984 model and doesn't even have a remote control. You know the old kind with a UHF knob and a VHF knob. The picture is still just as good as when I bought it. I basically just use it as a monitor since my VCR and Satellite have remotes. I guess they just don't make em like they used to. I got the opportunity to go through a Wal-Mart return center a few years back and you wouldn't believe the amount of returned electronics sitting in the place. There seemed to be a overwhelming number of the cheaper "off" brand products. Very few of the name brands such as RCA, Sharp, Panasonic, Toshiba, etc...
  5. It's higher and I think we do have some stupid law that says a store can't sell below their cost. But I don't know how BB can get way with it since their BF ad is the same as other states.
  6. billyhix

    Different prices

    Anyone know why some states, including Oklahoma, has different prices in the BF circular?
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