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  1. I'm loving all the stuff being added to Prime lately! I had considered not renewing my membership earlier this year, but I just use it way too much beyond the 2-day shipping benefit now.
  2. It's doing the same thing to me. No idea, sorry!
  3. Go further in the checkout. I just bought some earrings on the lightning deal and it showed the full price in the cart until the screen after I input my payment info. Then it still had the full price but under that was a promotional discount to take it down to the lightning price.
  4. Have you tried calling or going in to talk to the local Postmaster? If you have this many stopping at the local P.O. and not going any further there is obviously a problem. Others may be having the same problem as well, so you calling in just might help figure out what is going on.
  5. I have an IKEA one and I really like it. I use it year round in Ohio, but they have different weight/warmth ratings.
  6. Have you notified your local postmaster? That is crazy that many packages would get lost. Is it possible they would have been stolen off your porch or something?
  7. I have one going out today!
  8. Yeah, Saturday is supposed to be some type of shop local event. I've seen a couple local companies mention it in emails this week.
  9. Thanks that worked. I was looking all over for it yesterday and gave up. What is the point of hiding it all of a sudden??
  10. Woot! Thanks Brad & K-Mart! This store is usually always on my list and will be again this year :)
  11. The Imagine being discontinued has been a widespread rumor. ProvoCraft has said it has NOT been discontinued, but that they have temporarily stopped making them as they have plenty in stock. They just released new Imagine carts within the last month. You also do NOT have to buy print (Imagine) carts. Any cart will work on the Imagine. It depends on what you want to use the machine for. I have an Imagine and a Create. I love my Create machine as I think it is the perfect size to take to crops as I mostly scrapbook away from home. It is better than the original baby bug as it has some of the features the Expression does like cutting down to a 1/4 inch, flip, etc. If you have a Gypsy and an original baby bug you can do the same things as the Create though. The Imagine is a very large machine and not ideal to take to crops. This is good to use at home. You can very quickly print out gift tags, cards, and other images for scrapbook pages. There is no need to paper piece the images together unless you want to. The Expression machines are good if you don't want a printed image and would rather paper piece images together yourself. You can cut up to 12x24 inches. They machines can travel, but are pretty bulky. I don't have this machine, but friends have the E1 and E2. They both take theirs to crops and are fine with doing so.
  12. It is the Imagine machine, not a regular one. ProvoCraft has stated they are NOT discontinuing them, but have for now stopped production since they have so many in stock. They just announced new cartridges for the Imagine in the last month. You can use any Cricut cartridge in the Imagine machine. If you use the Cricut imagine carts you can print and cut. If you use any of the other cartridges you can cut the images like you would normally do on any Cricut machine. I have heard you can fill in colors on the regular Cricut cart cuts, but I haven't tried that yet. This is a great price on the Imagine for a real store. I got mine a bit cheaper off eBay a while back, but I think prices have climbed a bit on there recently. If you go the eBay route make sure you buy from an authorized re-seller so you have the 1-year warranty. I had to send my first one back as the ink carriage did not work properly. I have a regular machine and the Imagine. They both have their pros and cons. The Imagine machine is good for someone that scraps at home a lot, wants to easily print out images and not paper piece items together. It is not good for taking it to crops as it is very large. The mats are kind of a pain right now as they are not that sticky. ProvoCraft is reformulating the adhesive on these mats and the new ones should be released anytime...soon I sure hope!
  13. I want to see reviews first, but probably a Kindle Fire.
  14. Kmart is one of my favorite places to shop Thanksgiving/BF. I sure hope they have a good ad this year :)
  15. I got a 19" RCA tv from Kmart this morning. There was about 75 people in line this morning when I got there - I wasn't really expecting that many. Luckily I ended up with the tv and even got SATC2 dvd. Also grabbed some 99 cent socks and Pepsi 2-liters. The only thing they were out of that I wanted was the gingerbread man salt and pepper shakers, oh well. Also stopped at Meijer for some lounge pants and the the gas station for a paper and cappuccino. Now back snug in bed :) I wanted to hit Walgreen's, but my store didn't open until 9 and I didn't want to wait around for an hour.
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