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Posts posted by hnybee411

  1. It's worth taking to the register with the ad if you can't find the specially marked ones. I always just tell them they price match everyone else, they need to price match themselves and have never had a problem at any of three local walmarts. The worst that can happen is they say no.
  2. I'm way too tired to list all my stuff but I have to say that I was astonished at the number of doorbusters left everywhere we went today. We didn't head out shopping until 4 this morning and didn't hit target until 6:30 or so and still managed to get the dual screen dvd player and halo 4. I was shocked. And it was that way everywhere we went. It was great for us but we had fully expected not to be able to get stuff and there were piles of things left everywhere, Target, kohls, walmart. It's never been like that before.
  3. My mom and I talked about it today. We're fed up with the stores opening earlier and earlier. thanks to gottadeal I've already gotten a lot of shopping done online. We're going to sleep, get up when we normally would have if the stores were opening when they used to and go then. There's lots of stuff on my would like to have list but nothing that we must get or kill my christmas budget. We'll hit wal-mart, penny's, toysrus, kohls and target all at some point but we're going stress free this year. IF we get it we get it, if we don't we don't.
  4. Air Hogs/Cars 2 - Missile Firing Mater

    by Air Hogs

    3.9 out of 5 stars See all reviews (7 customer reviews) | Like (8)

    List Price: $44.99

    Price: $18.22 Eligible for free shipping with Amazon Prime.

    You Save: $26.77 (60%)





    Down to $16.43 now.

  5. I got up early and hit Kmart yesterday morning. Got the xbox deal for the hubby and some things for the kiddos. The real shopping began at 7:30 last night and got finished 12 hours later. Got lots of movies, video games, a new vaccuum for me, Microsoft office 2010, and tons of clothes. Score of the day for us though was my aunt and mom price matching the 3ds at walmart from the nebraska furniture mart ad. My aunt got the last one at one walmart and my mom got the last two at another. 99.00 each! That's a $70 savings on each one and we didn't have to battle the lines at NFM. CAme home went to bed and got up and finished shopping on amazon. Everyone is done! Woo hoo! Now just have to wait for everything to be delivered.
  6. There's a couple of things I want. One of them will be hubby's main present. Just wondering what the odds are of me buying it and not finding out they aren't really going to send it to me until after black friday when all the sales are done. (you know, the unable to fulfill your order type thing) Thanks in advance!
  7. Here's my super exciting list (hey, don't be judgin')




    Wii fit bundle $67

    Toy Story 3 $13

    Sony BluRay $99

    InstaBed Queen Air bed $12

    2 Razor Scooters @ $17 each

    700 thread count sheets $30


    Total = $255



    Photoframe jewlery box $39.99

    Shark Steam mop $49.99

    3 gallon beverage dispenser 19.99

    3 hoiday nightlights @ 6.99 each

    2 holiday rugs @ 4.99 each


    Total = $140.92




    Samsung Camcorder 99.99


    Total for all stores= $495.91 That means there's just enough left for breakfast. :)

  8. Just wanted to pop on here and say that we bought Kirby epic yarn for the wii this week as part of the buy 2 get 1 sale at Target. Excellent game for a family if you have young children. My five year old is able to do a large majority of it by himself. We play as two player and I just have to be patient, tell him what to do occasionally, but he actually does it himself. Very cute, fun game. I even played it by myself just because it was kind of addictive. :)
  9. Our wal-mart was a free for all. They let my aunt put a blu ray player in her cart at 1:00 and go shop. It was like that all over the store. All the pallets were completely unwrapped no later than 3:00. They had lines for tickets for the big TVs and then discovered as they were sitting on pallets in an accessible part of the store, people had just loaded up the TVs themselves in their carts. It was a total mess. Took me an hour just to check out, that's not including the time in line before the checkout opened at 5. I've never been out of wal-mart later than 5:15 before.
  10. Yesterday I went to Kmart and got 2 pairs of $6 route 66 jeans, an oversized throw for $3 and a pair of slipper socks for $3 all for the boy and senior citizen we adopted off the angel tree this year, plus a $5 sparkling disney princess doll for my niece.


    I picked my mom and aunt up at 11:30 and we headed to toys r us. Line was insane. We were standing there looking at the line and there were about five people behind us and we were all kind of talking about whether it was worth it or not when this total and complete A**hole starts stomping his way down the length of the line and starts yelling at all of us that weren't in line about how we weren't getting in the line, how we needed to get to the end of the line, etc Only about every other word out of his mouth was the f-word. One the ladies next to us yelled at him to have a merry christmas. :) Now I could understand him saying something to the people that were lining up down by the exit, but most of us were just trying to decide whether to go back to our cars or get in line. Anyway, we decide we might as well stay and get in line. That lasted about fifteen minutes before we decided to go to walmart and price match what we could. It was just too cold and the line was not moving.


    We get to walmart about 12:45 or so and watch someone checking out with one of the big screen TVs. We're like what the heck so we start looking around and discover that if it was on the floor you could put it in your cart. They stopped the early check out thing though right after we got there so you had to wait until 5. My aunt went to find the line for the blu ray and was told to just take one. We had everything in our carts by 2:00 and we went over to the pharmacy and sat on the benches and waited until about 4:15 when we got in line. During the wait we heard reports of fist fights and police being called to 3 different toys r us stores in the area, including the one we'd been at. Of course, people were coming in the store at 4:30 wanting to know what the heck was going on and how we were all in line already. They weren't happy at all.


    I got: 11 DVDs (2 pricematched), 2 pairs of snow boots, 2 boys hoodies, marbles, vsmile pocket, vaccuum, misc toys and bread. (we were out)


    Managed to price match everything I was going to get at TRU except one thing and my dad called from TRU as he was there with an uncle trying to get a swingset. I asked him to look for the one thing I was missing and he got the last one. He also went to Lowe's and picked up two of the $45 shelves for me.


    From wal-mart, I rushed to K-mart to get the handy manny motorcycle and some other things. Found out they only had 2 motorcycles for the whole store. (ordered it from amazon for $3 more) Got sweats for hubby and the senior citizen we adopted and a folding 6 ft table for my mom.


    Went to breakfast.


    Went to sears and got everything I was after except the autoloading screwdriver. Left there and went to Ace to get a dog bed and some extension cords.


    Came home and ordered 2 movies and the n strike wii game I missed elsewhere for DH and got tru blood for 19.99 for me. Then ordered what I needed from BBW. I missed the VIP bag but that's okay. I have one more little thing to get for my dad and my mom's birthday and I am completely done. Whew! What a day, but so worth it.


    Deal of the day: One of TRU online ad specials was for Open Season 2 for 50% off which the boy off the angel tree wanted. Found a copy among the walmart movies, but it wouldn't ring up so she over rode it for $2. :)

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