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Everything posted by christib327

  1. Has there been any word on central Ohio stores??
  2. My Wal-greens had several yesterday. They weren't with the toys though. They were up on the very top shelf of the garbage bag aisle.
  3. Has anyone been to the stores in Dublin/Columbus Ohio? It's kind of a long drive for me so I hate to go now and then tomorrow too.
  4. I found this at a different Kmart today for $15 http://www.amazon.com/Playskool-Busy-Lil-Garden-Bench/dp/B001P3PSIK/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=toys-and-games&qid=1279747592&sr=8-1 I also bought a couple crawling babies reg. $22 for $2.49 . I can't remember who makes them though.
  5. It was the Kmart brand stuff.....in the blue boxes.
  6. My Kmart had the rc toy story cars. They also had the buzz wing set or whatever it is for $17 (after the 50%)
  7. I went to another Kmart today and found a lot more stuff. I got this http://www.amazon.com/GX-Racers-Motorized-Multi-Launcher-BONUS/dp/B002OTZ460/ref=sr_1_18?ie=UTF8&s=toys-and-games&qid=1279667418&sr=1-18 for $2.49!! It was marked 19.99. I also found more of the gx cars for 75 cents to 1.50. I had a cart full of stuff, but the other thing that got me semi excited was a big cargo plane. It wasn't marked clearance at all, but one of my boys has been eyeing it for awhile so I decided to scan it just to see. I think it was regularly $20 and it rang up $7.50. NONE of the vsmile games here rang up $2. They all rang up $7.50. Bummer!!!
  8. Does Burger King still have toy coupons in their kids meals?
  9. Ohhh...okay. I did see those. I didn't realize they were that cheap though. I was thinking you meant cute fuzzy monkey....lol. I also saw the trio sets and all of the coupons on the ones I saw WERE expired. Bummer. I wonder if they'd take if anyway since it's stilll on the front of the box.
  10. Marissa....tell me more about this remote control monkey! What brand is it? That's a great deal Patty, I am going to see if I can find one of those. I think my kids would have a blast with it.
  11. Here only the spaghetti factory play doh set was marked clearance, but I knew from being at another store that the monkey one was on clearance too. It was just sitting on the regular shelves. The clear bags that have a few things of playdoh in them are on clearance too. I am so irritated that I didn't scan any of the Vsmile games!!!!! Both of my boys still play with theirs every now and then. I plan on holding onto them so the baby can play with them when she's old enough. ( I have the TV console one sitting in my basement from a Target clearance sale...I have never given it to them....ooops)
  12. I hit my 2nd Kmart today and plan on trying to hit 2 more this week I found a lot of the stuff already mentioned. I also got some play doh sets. The spaghetti factory and coco monkey sets were $5. There were some air hogs hoverpods or something like that, that I got for $6. I found a color shifter hotwheel set for $2.49!! It is this one http://www.amazon.com/Wheels-Color-Shifters-Custom-Shop/dp/B001UEOUX8/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&s=toys-and-games&qid=1279576082&sr=8-2 I have found the three Musketeers barbies, the butterfly one and a few others. I got a discovery kids microscope set for $11 I know there is more but I can't remember all of it. It's still all out in my van. One thing I saw, but didn't buy were stuffed lions or giraffe rockers for kids. They were marked $40, so would have been $20. They looked like they would have been totally worth it if you need one.
  13. I totally agree with this! We were just there tonight and there was a used game selling for $33.xx and I paid $15 for it NEW on Amazon! I always feel like I have to be super careful in there.
  14. I got mine today too. (the moisturizing sticks) I really like it!
  15. www.bluemud.com I have bought lots of charms from them. They are good quality at a decent price and they ship fast.
  16. No, this does not have a zipper closure.
  17. I bought these for my boys a couple of years ago. They STILL ride them even though they have other ride on toys. They are five now and way too big for them. They have ridden on them so much that they are starting to wear holes in the tires!!!!
  18. I think it is absolutely worth it! After having it for awhile now I don't know how I ever lived without it The UPS guy is at my house A LOT. I share it so it only costs us each about $20.
  19. I'm loving the Amazon Prime too. Everywhere else seems to take forever to ship stuff out! tn20, if you do order from kmart.com keep a close eye on your order. I ordered from them and got a confirmation, but then never got a shipping notice or anything. I couldn't really get any details from my order on their site other than it was supposed to have been delivered 11/25, which it was well past. I emailed their customer service and they told me my order had been cancelled! They never sent me an email or anything until I was asking about it.
  20. I recently had a bad experience with Kmart too. I ordered a giraffe rocker for my littler girl. It said it should be delivered 11/25. That came and went so I went into the site to check on the order. It still said estimated delivery 11/25, so I sent them an email. They said they were out of stock and should have more in in two to three weeks. I don't HAVE to have it for Christmas, I just really wanted it for her, so I was willing to wait. I emailed back and told them I wanted to make sure they'd be sending it when it came in. NOPE. She said it had been cancelled because they don't do backorders. An email stating it was cancelled would have been nice!!! Why just leave it and forget about it until I ask? That is totally frustrating
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