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  1. The starter pack with the portal WAS a deal in the 5:10pm slot, but now it is not on the schedule of deals. When I scrolled through the lightning deals in video games, I saw the pack with no portal for $38.96. It's not worth it to me when I can get the better set at walmart for that same price.
  2. Please note that the price of Redakai Metanoid with Excel Card has decreased from $7.82 to $5.50 since you placed it in your Shopping Cart. Items in your cart will always reflect the most recent price displayed on their product detail pages. Please note that the price of Redakai Chemaster with Excel Card has decreased from $7.75 to $5.50 since you placed it in your Shopping Cart. Items in your cart will always reflect the most recent price displayed on their product detail pages. Please note that the price of Redakai Harrier with Excel Card has decreased from $7.82 to $5.50 since you placed it in your Shopping Cart. Items in your cart will always reflect the most recent price displayed on their product detail pages. Please note that the price of Redakai Spykor with Excel Card has decreased from $7.75 to $5.50 since you placed it in your Shopping Cart. Items in your cart will always reflect the most recent price displayed on their product detail pages. Please note that the price of Nerf N-Strike Flip Clip Refill has decreased from $5.99 to $5.39 since you placed it in your Shopping Cart. Items in your cart will always reflect the most recent price displayed on their product detail pages. Please note that the price of Littlest Pet Shop Blythe Treat Shop has decreased from $19.99 to $16.99 since you placed it in your Shopping Cart. Items in your cart will always reflect the most recent price displayed on their product detail pages. Please note that the price of Zoobles Arctic Inn Playset has decreased from $13.96 to $6.99 since you placed it in your Shopping Cart. Items in your cart will always reflect the most recent price displayed on their product detail pages.
  3. Bakugan Dragonoid Destroyer only $11.99 I cant remember how to post the picture, sorry http://www.amazon.com/Bakugan-20042021-Dragonoid-Destroyer/dp/B004SPZXVE/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1324147956&sr=8-1 http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/51GGlVhpN-L._SL500_AA300_.jpg
  4. Video Watch ONLY $15.99 now!!
  5. Now it's only $5.00!!
  6. We got the $5.00 Target GC for spending $50.00 on toys Where was it shown that you got the giftcard for spending $50? I spent more than that and got nothing. Did I need a coupon and where would I find one?
  7. Never mind, I did a google search for battle arena sears and brings me right to the page and shows it as out of stock
  8. I appreciate the help but I am still not seeing the Kung Zhu Battle Arena on Sears.com. I did a search and sorted by price and the only Kung Zhu sets I see for $15.99 are the training centers which are 50% of at Toysrus today. Am I blind or are we talking about two different things. Sorry to be a pest :)
  9. Where on Sears.com do you see the battle arena for 15.99? The one I see is showing at 34.99. Toysrus is not allowing the battle arena at 50% off and I really need it.
  10. THe last coupon for the Kung Zhu training centers shows the Battle Arena and many other pieces. Online only has 4 specific things if you search for training centers. Do you think the Battle Arena will work with the 50% off?
  11. Now only $4.98!!! So glad I waited
  12. Tinkerbell Pixos Down to $9.98 http://http://www.amazon.com/PixOs-20012028-Pixos-Disney-Fairies/dp/B00244S8YA/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=toys-and-games&qid=1260844503&sr=8-1
  13. The Chixos set is down to $7.20
  14. Went to 2 targets today looking for more 75% markdowns with little luck. I caved and bought some things because they went 50% and I dont want to lose out. ###HSM Prom dolls 4 pack 50% 14.98 ###Transformers 2 pack with comic book 50% 14.98 ###Hannah Montana doll with swing 50% 12.48 ###Hannan Montana singing doll with piano 50% 12.48 ###Speed Racer Funkeys starter set 75% 4.xx ###Hello Kitty popcorn maker 4.98 They also had tons of large baby items (swings,carseats,playpens) for 50%
  15. The only LeapFrog software I found on clearance was... ### Nancy Drew Didj game for 7.48 ###I Spy Leapster game for 6.24 ###Outwit Leapster game for 6.24 ###Cars Leapster game for 12.xx If only I had known about those coupons sooner Also found ###Terrainiac RC car marked 50% at 29.98
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