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  1. Camp in Pajamas 3 credit cards in my shoe Starbucks by the Gallon
  2. I ordered 18 of these in 3 seperate orders to give to my students (class photo at NBA Game). They loved it and it worked out to $6 each with shipping!! Also when I ordered so many so quickly of the same image the company didnt cancel my oreder in fact they contacted me to make sure it was not a duplicate order error before charging my credit card. I will be using them to print our official class photos the is month.
  3. Daytona store didnt do it and St Augustine had 50% off everything BUT ham. I got a rack of ribs and a bbq pork roast for $20.00 the cheesecake was a DEAL at $4.00 but I am on a diet!!
  4. My local Kmart does not have these tearoffs but I have to get lots of batteries for Hurricane season. Would anyone be willing to mail me 1-5 of these and I will send you 2-$1.00 off any duracell battery pack coupons in exchange?
  5. Not sure if this works, I didn't do it; but it can't hurt to try. Sonicare Discount Offered to Aetna Members Aetna is offering a special price on the Sonicare Essence 5300 to our members so that they have quality preventative oral care. Buy one now for only $57.50 plus shipping. That's a substantial savings on a product that may give you better dental check-ups. Simply call 1-866-310-3080 now or go to www.BrushWithAetna.com to take advantage of this special offer. When ordering online, use special code SONICARE.
  6. Target has mens and ladies on clearance
  7. It was from Diecast nad I did get the train and I never sent in the proof of purchase
  8. Quick whip round tonight got me 2 Reebok string athletic bags for $3.98 each, lotion type bug repellant in the camping dept for $1.98 and a box of BackYardAgains fruit snacks (12 pack) was marked $1.98 on end cap rang up for $.98
  9. Walm art pharmacy is doing $4.00 perscriptions on many popular meds. Nothing to join or buy. Just check out the list ont heir website
  10. I got a great deal on overstock.com lasxt year and the shipping was the cheapest around
  11. I got 4 bottles of juice (buy one get one free) and 4 packs of 6 applesauce (bogo) used 4 pyramid books to get $1.00 of every single one. Total for 4 juice and 24 singel serve apple sauce was $1.95!!!!!
  12. Circuit City in Daytona had a line around the block even after they opened. They sold out of 49.99 gameboy advance in minutes. An hour later I came back after hitting wal-mart and target and found the Gameboy advanced (packaged with 2 games) for 99.00 because the staff was going around picking up and reshelving discarded itemas and ones in the wrong place. I also rechecked for the sold out Smoke ipod accessories and found 2 had appeared after restocking. I waited inline for a whole hour but it was worth it! People around the giant sale DVD jumble where very nice and shouting out ones they found but didnt need. The mood was good
  13. My mother sees ads for www.ahs.com in the Sunday paper. They have alot of items free just pay shipping. Has anyone used this site--any opinions?? issues??
  14. Found an Adidas MLS soccer backpack for my nephew in England for Christmas. On end cap in stationary --$35.00 clearance to $17 marked down to $8.54!!!!! Took my mother for the first time--she is a convert I think
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