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Posts posted by jdbells

  1. My Dh put up our tree on the 10th of this month, I couldn't believe how early he wanted it up. But, I let him buy a new huge artificial one this year and he was too excited to wait. He's also in retail, so he gets burnt out on Christmas by BF and doesn't want to do anything once he gets home!

    i dog

    I was looking up the $12 iDog at Wal-Mart and it says that it's the iDog "Pup". I guess that means that it's smaller than the regular iDog. I couldn't find any sizes on the specs. page. I went to Wal-Mart last night and they have a shelf tag for the iDop Pup, but the salesclerk said she hadn't seen any yet. She had no idea about sizes.
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